Chapter 44

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16th March 2009

After his intense meeting with The Council, Pius walked down the hallway. He was exhausted. It's hard to juggle the stress from work along with the stress from trying to make an invention. As he approached his office, he noticed his wife talking to their co-worker; Davis.

They weren't just talking. They were in such close proximity and they were laughing like it was the most natural thing in the world. Pius' fists clenched at his sides at the sight of them. He was tempted to go there to confront them but what's the use? She'll just shout and embarrass him in front of everyone. He wouldn't want to cause a scene at work.

"I don't have time for this" he said to himself.

He walked back to his office and got settled. A few minutes into his paperwork, a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in"

His co-worker and good friend; Miss Ling came in.

"Hello Pius" she greeted.

"Hello, Ling" he answered with a smile "Please sit"

She sat on the chair across him.

"I see our plan went well"

Ling is a close associate of his. He turned to her since there was no one else to support him. She hated the unethical approach that Charles used. Together, they were able to devise a plan to burn down Charles' factory.

"So?" she spoke "What's next?"


Ling served her kids; Chen and Choi dinner in the living room. Chen wasn't feeling too well so she had to sit her on her lap to feed her. After she was done, she tried to rock her to sleep. Choi came to stand beside her. He gave both Ling and Chen kisses on their cheeks.

"I love you, mommy" he said.

"I love you too" Ling said with a smile. She kissed him on his forehead.

She was about to get them ready for bed when the alarm blared. This can't be right. This means the security measures were breached from an outsider which is almost impossible.

Before she could escape with her kids, a group of men broke down the door. She looked at her katana on the table. If only she could reach it.

"Everyone on the floor now!" one of the men ordered.

She complied by lying down flat on the floor.

"Mama, what's happening?" Chen asked with fear in her voice.

"It's going to be okay, sweetie" Ling told her "Lie down, please"

"Mummy, who are they?" Choi asked.

"Shut up before I blow out your brains!" the man shouted

Charles walked in wearing a mask. Even with a thousand disguises, she could recognize him anywhere. He walked towards her then stepped on her head.

"Mommy!" her kids cried.

"Shut the fuck up!" Charles snarled "Your mom thinks she and her little friend can mess with me"

He spat at Ling's face. "I'll show you"

He sat on one of the couches and beckoned to Chen. 'Come here, love"

Chen was unsure of what to do. Choi stood protectively in front of Chen.

"No" he said.

"Come here or I'll hurt your mom!"

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