Chapter 29

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"You were like a freaking ninja in that bitch" Alex shrieked.

School was over. Alex, Donald, Justin and I decided to stay in class to talk for a while.

"I've been waiting all day to talk about this" Donald said "How did you learn how to fight like that?"

In order to avoid the question, I looked outside the window. Luckily for me, Mr Ade had arrived.

" ride is here" I stated.

"Aww" Alex pouted "I wanted us to talk"

"We'll talk tomorrow" I told her.

I carried my backpack then hugged Justin tightly.

"Call me this evening?" I asked him.

"Of course, babe"

"Bye guys" I told them.

"Bye" they chorused.

As I walked through the corridors, something bizarre happened. Someone pulled me into the janitor's closet.

"Hey!" I shouted.

For a moment, I thought it was Ben trying to pull a stupid prank on me.

"I am so gonna beat your ass again"

The lights came on and revealed the person.

"Zoandra?" I shrieked "Oh, hell no"

"Oh please" she rolled her eyes "You're lucky it's not Nicole"

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

"For you to see what's on the flash drive. Time is running out and I am getting worried. Have you plugged it in?"

"How do I know it's not some type of virus or something?"

She face palmed herself.

"Virus? Really? Do I look that amateurish to you? If I wanted to do something to hurt you, I would have done it ages ago"

"What is it then?"

"That's what I have been trying to tell you. It will be hard to explain it to you so you have to see for yourself. There is no time. I need you to use the flash drive. Please"

"Why is this so important to you?"

"Because your father would want you to know. His life depends on it"

"What do you mean his life depends on it? My dad is dead"

"I highly believe your dad isn't dead Ada. He's just stuck somewhere"

I laughed. I saw what happened that night. My dad has been dead for years. It's either this woman is delusional or she is probably mistaking my dad for someone else.

"Oh really? Where could he be?"


"Why do you even care anyway? I doubt you two were that close"

"Because I love him" she cried out as she punched the wall.

I flinched in fear.


"I love him" she repeated, with tears in her eyes.


"Mom, I'm home" I said as I entered the house.

I badly wanted to tell my mom everything, starting from the time Zoandra saved me from Nicole until now. Some things are not adding up. Maybe she can be the one to help me

"Don't tell your mother" Zoandra's voice haunted me "She'll ruin everything. She never even believed in him in the first place"

As I walked through the house, I heard voices from the kitchen so I decided to go check it out. I was surprised to see my mom home early but I was even more surprised to see Victoria sitting on the kitchen island.

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