Chapter 40

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"Wait, what?" everyone shrieked.

To be honest, I'll react the same way if my teammate told me their dad was best friends with a murderer and a potential villain.

"Didn't Ace kill your dad?" Chen asked.

"Yeah...." I dragged "It's kind of a long story"

I proceeded to tell them everything about what happened, starting from Zoandra's confession, my discoveries and the issue I had with my mom. By the time I was done, they were all stunned.

I passed the book of conspiracy theories for them to look at.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Mike asked me.

"I just found out all of this. I wanted to tell you guys everything at the slumber party but I never got the chance"

"So..." Yinka started "You're telling me that there's a possibility that time travel is real?"

"Most likely. Zoandra told me it worked"

"Wow. This is a whole lot to take in"

"Tell me about it. I'm still trying to process it all myself"

"I don't know about you guys" Choi said "But this kind of makes me more scared. If your dad discovered time travel, only Lord knows what kind of high tech Charles is using"

"Exactly" Chen spoke "Do you think we should tell the agency?"

"No" the rest of us chorused.

"It looks like this was top secret back then" Yinka said "Besides, we're not even sure if it's true. Let's not raise a false alarm"

"You're right" I told him "At least, we have an idea of what we are up against"

All the while we talked, Victoria remained quiet which is weird because she always had something to say.

"Victoria" I called "What's wrong?"

She shook her head as if clearing her thoughts.

"To be honest" she said "I don't know how to feel about this. As a tech girl, I've always loved and lived through the laws of physics and chemistry. If time travel is real, it's going to defy every law out there. This means we've all been living a lie. This could change everything, guys"

She's right. Time travel has been nothing more than a conspiracy theory. If proof of it gets out there, everything could change.

"Your dad seems like a fucking genius" Yinka said "Now, I see where you get your brains from"

I smiled in pride. My dad seemed like one of the smartest men ever. I wish I had the chance to know him better. I wish my mom didn't hide his works from me. I wish she had told me the truth. We would have worked this out as a family. Assuming I was introduced to his works sooner, I could have learned a few things and figured this whole thing out.

"Thanks" I responded "I just wish my mom didn't lie"

"Hey" Mike spoke "Maybe she had her reasons"

I rolled my eyes "Oh please"

I don't even want to hear anything about my mom. Ever since I went home yesterday, I've been avoiding her like the plague.

"So, what do we do now?" Choi asks.

"Look" Yinka said "We learned about this revelation a little too late. I say we focus on our mission for now then when you guys get back, we can work out the pieces of this mystery"

"I agree" I nodded "For Charles and my dad to stop being friends, it means he was planning something really evil"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

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