Chapter 46

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I woke up with a pounding headache. For the first few seconds, I was confused on where I was and on what was going on. Suddenly, the memories came rushing back at me.

We got into Charles' lab.

My dad died.

We were knocked out by gas.

I stood up. My teammates were just waking up to.

"Where are we?" one of them asked.

I looked around. We were in something like a glass box or tank. I banged the glass, looking for a way out but it didn't budge. Choi ran to it, trying to break it with his body but he bounced back to the floor.

"You're awake"

We looked forward to see Charles and Nicole in front of us. I ran towards to glass again, trying to reach for him but the glass held me back.

I clenched my fists at my sides. If only I could get a hold of him, he'd be dead.

Chen banged on the glass and shouted "I'm gonna kill you, asshole"

"Oh, shut up" Nicole retorted.

"Don't bother" Charles said "They'll soon be dead, anyway"

I looked at the tank. It's about ten feet long. I looked around it. Everywhere is sealed. How do we get out of here?

"I'm sorry it had to end this way" Charles said "But look on the bright side, at least, you'll get to see your dad again"

At the mention of my dad, anger fueled through me. I banged against the glass over and over again. He didn't seem fazed. He had a vindictive smile on his face.

"So feisty" he said "I would love to stay here and chat but I have a conference to get to"

He smiled widely "Happy birthday to me". He brought out a remote from his pocket and pressed the button. Water pooled at our feet. Slowly, it started to rise.

Nicole blew me a kiss before they left.

I checked my watch. It's already 10:30am. Today is his birthday which means the pens will soon be distributed. Choi and Mike ran to the glass repeatedly, still trying to break it but to no avail. The water is past our ankles now.

"What do we do?" Victoria cried out.

"We have to do something" Chen spoke "If not, we're all gonna die"

Think Ada! Think! The water level is already at my legs.

I wish there was a rock or something to throw at the glass. I looked up. There's no escape there either, it's too high to reach even if we hoist each other up.

We can't break the glass. We can't climb out. What do we do then?

We were all getting out of breath. Due to the enclosed space and the water pressure, the oxygen levels are low.

"Does anyone have a weapon?" I questioned.

"Yes" Choi brought out a knife from his pocket.

The water is already at our arms' level.

"We have to hold our breath till we get to the top guys" I told them.


"Listen, we'll stay afloat till the water boosts us up"

"Then what will we do?" Mike asked.

"Choi will use the knife to break the glass. The edge of every glass is it's weak point. With the right amount of pressure, it'll crack. When there's a crack, all we need to do it hit it further till it shatters then we break out and jump down"

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