Chapter 7

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14th March 2009

Eye contact.

It seemed like something normal or a situation whereby you would eventually look away from the person. That is, unless you're making eye contact with someone whose factory you burnt down. In that case, it could be very intense.

"You'll pay for this" Charles shouted at Pius.

Pius couldn't care less.

On the 14th of March 2009, the members of 'The Awakening' were having their weekly meeting. They consisted of three members; Pius Okoli, Charles Adewale and Ace Ogboi. Pius founded the organization three years ago for the sole purposes of;

- Making innovations big enough to have impact on the world.

- Change the narrative that Nigerians can't create world changing inventions.

- Exposing the hidden plans of the government.

Pius gathered the two most intelligent people he knew and formed the organization. Pius worked on time travel. Charles worked on human experiments and mind control. Ace worked on modernized technology.

The three of them were seated round a table in pure darkness. The only light source was a light bulb on the ceiling with the light directed at the middle of the table. This seating arrangement was done for a purpose.

The darkness signified how they had been in the dark for so long due to the secrets the government kept from them despite their total allegiance to saving the world.

The light in the middle symbolizes truth. They opened their eyes and brought light among themselves. The light shines only in the middle because the truth lies amongst them for now. Gradually, the light will spread. It always does.

"You're going to regret this" Charles repeated.

"I highly doubt that" Pius responded.

Ace lit up his cigar while reading a book, not wanting to involve himself in the whole drama.

"You burnt down my factory!"

"Correction, I burnt down a fraction of your factory, just seven buildings. You know, since you like the number so much. It should soothe your arithmomania. I did it as a warning"

The three of them teamed up for the purpose of doing good. They even got donations for their research from other organizations. However, greed took control of Charles. He was supposed to close the gap between humans and technology by simply creating advanced robots since the country wasn't that technologically advanced. Instead, he took it a little too far and ran experiments trying to convert humans to androids in order to control the population.

"A warning for what?"

"For the horrible things you've done" Pius banged his hand on the table "You kidnapped people, kept them in a hidden location and ran tests on them without their permission for the sole purpose of turning them into things you can control. You even chipped your own son for God's sake. He's just two"

"He's three years old actually"

Ace chuckled.

"What's the difference? You're a mad man, Charles and you need to be stopped"

Charles sighed.

"Take it from my angle" Charles explained "It's for the good of the country. Imagine what other countries would think if they found out I can make- we can make a way to finally create androids. Pius, we can rule the world"

Pius shook his head. Charles was even more insane than he thought.

"The fact that you're justifying your actions makes it a hundred times worse. You have violated the rights of humans by holding them hostage for experiments they know nothing about. There's something called 'research ethics' for a reason. Have you no conscience? These innocent civilians were stripped from their families for something they know nothing of. You ripped their brains open and inserted chips inside. A lot of them have died in the process"

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