Chapter 3

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"Pass me some water please" my mom requested.

I carried the bottle of water and poured some in her cup.

"Thank you darling" she said.

We ate our dinner on the dining table in silence. I took some time to study the beauty that is my mother.

She had neck length relaxed hair, caramel skin and very rare dark blue eyes. She worked full time as a spy and a mission planner and researcher for The Conversion. She was also responsible for training new recruits.

The dining table had four chairs. My mom and I occupied just two but the other two were empty.

I stared at them in heartbreak and sadness.


"I got all A's in my report card" an eight-year-old me ran to the living room.

My dad sat on the couch watching TV while my mom lay on his lap as he rubbed her pregnant stomach lovingly.

"Very good sweetie" my dad said proudly. He leaned down to give me a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled.

I felt as if my life was complete. I had good grades, I was improving in my spy training, my parents were proud of me and I was expecting a baby brother in a month.

Everything was perfect. Nothing could go wrong or so I thought.

Suddenly, the alarm went off.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" the speakers blared.

My mom sat up slowly, panic and fear evident on her face.

"How did they get in?" she whispered.

That is true. As spies, you should know that we have high tech security plus two guard dogs that are always loose at night. It made me wonder. The dogs didn't even bark.

The door pounded with heavy knocking. My mom covered her mouth with her hands, silent tears falling down her face. I'm still a kid but I know that stress isn't good for the baby.

'They can't get in" my dad said. He was trying his best to be confident. Deep down, I could see the fear in his black eyes.

All the doors were bulletproof and they all had security codes to open them.

We were about to go hide and call for back up till the door broke down. Four men with guns all dressed in black and wearing masks barged in. They pointed their guns at each of us.

"Get down and put your hands up!"

We complied, getting down on our knees and raised up our hands. This reminded me of a school punishment that my teacher would give us.

My mom was still sobbing.

One of the men, I'm guessing he's the leader, stepped forward. I remember him as one of my father's close friends but I'm guessing I remembered wrong.

He slapped my dad with his pistol.

"Daddy!" I cried.

"Shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out!" the man shouted at me.

My mom pulled me into a warm embrace. We sobbed together.

"It's going to be okay honey. It's gonna be okay" my mom assured me while stroking my hair.

At a point, I questioned if she was trying to assure me or herself.

"Hands up now!" the man exclaimed.

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