Chapter 41

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I sat at the edge of the backseat along with Chen and Victoria and boy was it awkward. The two of them still had unsettled differences. The boys were in the other car.

Deep down, I wished Yinka could have come. He's a useful asset and he'll be helpful in a time like this since he used to be in a terrorist group.

We were all dressed in school uniforms and given fake names. Apparently, my name is supposed to be 'Samantha Onuoha'. Perfect. It suits me quite well, doesn't it? We were already on our way to the factory. Mr. Ade is the one driving.

"Are we there yet?" Victoria asked for about the hundredth time.

"No" he answered.

In a few minutes time, she asked again. Chen groaned.

"Asking that question doesn't get us there faster" Chen said.

"Hey! It's not my fault. I'm nervous and I also get car sick"

"Whatever. Just keep it down. We'll get there when we get there"

I stared outside the window, not wanting to get involved in their drama. I had bigger things to worry about. I have absolutely no idea what to expect on this trip. Anything can happen. Literally...anything. There's nothing I can do but hope for the best while preparing for the worst. My instincts tell me this won't be easy. I'm sure Charles is planning something really big.

After about a mile later, there was a bold sign on a fence which read 'CIDON COMPANIES"

The car drove to the main gate. In front, there was a security house as well as an electric barrier. A security guard lifted the barrier, letting us through. My eyes widened in surprise when we got in. The factory is gigantic. It was a huge area of land that consisted of different buildings. 

The buildings were large and some of them were made out of steel. I'm pretty sure more buildings were situated deep inside. I looked up to see a helicopter hovering around the premises. Workers dressed in uniforms with 'CiDon' printed on them walked in and out of buildings carrying and dropping packages. The place looked busy.

"Wow" I breathed.

It's even bigger than I thought it would be. The car went round a water fountain and onto a straight road till we got to a nice looking house- mansion, rather.

"We're here" Mr. Ade informed us.

The three of us got down. Behind us, we saw the boys standing by their car too. We all hurdled together to talk. The reality of our mission has finally set in. we're actually here- in Charles' factory on a possible world saving mission.

"Ready, guys?" I asked them.

Their answer should be 'yes'. We have no other choice. We have to be ready.

"Yeah" they chorused. Good.

Together, we followed Mr. Ade into the house. We walked through the hallway. A large quoted frame caught my eye. In it read, 'I have seen good. I have seen evil. They both look very....human"

As we moved further down the corridor, we admired the various displays of paintings and sculptures that decorated the halls. Charles is probably an artistic person. I tried as much as possible to take note of everything. These painting could turn out to be clues too. Anything is possible. I couldn't help but notice how he had seven paintings on each side.

We passed through a door and entered a red and white room which contained book shelves and couches enough for all of us. Apart from those, it was pretty plain.

"This is where we part ways, I'm afraid" Mr. Ade spoke to everyone but he was looking directly at me. I held both his hands and looked at him,

To me, Mr. Ade is more than a driver. He's the only father figure I've had in my life. He stayed with us even after his retirement because of how loyal he was to us- to my dad.

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