Chapter 22

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"I'm on my way to the SARS protest" my sister, Uche, said as she live streamed on Instagram.

I adjusted myself further in the backseat. The situation did not sit right with me at all.

I looked outside my window and observed the protest going on. There was only one thing that crossed my mind; Nigerians are relentless. When they truly want something, they can do anything to get it

"I'll see you later guys. I'm off to the protest. Fuck the police! Bye'

She dropped her phone and cracked her neck bones. She looked outside my side of the window in irritation.

"What's the problem?" I asked her.

"I can't believe I'm about to be in the midst of all these people" she shuddered.

"Why are we here then?"

"For clout, duh. What else?"

"Excuse me?"

"The protest is the 'in' thing right now. If I'm seen attending, people will follow me because they think I care'

"And you don't?"

"Wetin concern me? As long as I'm not involved. Na my brother dem kill?"

I looked away. I did care. I cared that innocent people were dying. I cared that the brutality of the police was getting out of hand. I care about a lot of things but living in the shadows of my elder sister has taught me that my opinions do not matter in any way. This is the story of my life.

"Look" she touched my lap. I got frightened immediately "As an influencer, you are expected to do things whether you care or not. If you don't, you'll lose fans. Most of these celebrities you see here don't give two fucks about the people getting killed, as long as it's not affecting them. They just come to take pictures and go. You have to learn, okay? That's the thing about being a public figure, you need to get with the times, act like you care and gain more fans. That's why I brought you here. This is an opportunity for you to build a strong fanbase"

I turned my face and looked outside the window again. It's not fair that these people died only to be used for clout. Their death should mean something. It's horrible. I couldn't stand up to my sister. I would look weak for caring. The truth is, I care about a lot of things. I just hide behind a hard exterior. I've been taught how harsh this world can be. Showing your true feelings can make people take you for granted especially in the modelling and entertainment industry.

"Sis" Uche touched my laps again. I got shocked.

"Why are you so frightened?' she asked "What's wrong?"

I closed my eyes as I recalled the memory of that night. I can never forget his touch.

"You want to be in the spotlight, don't you?" Kenneth whispered into my ear

"Yes, but not like this"

"This is the only way"

His fingers found their way to the spot in between my legs.

"I'm just seventeen" I cried "You're old enough to be my dad"

"That's the fun of it baby"

"Maya!" Uche called "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said.

"Okay then. Don't forget we're going to Quilox to chill with the crew. I need that movie role and you're the only one who can make that happen"

By the crew, she meant Kenneth and his popular friends. I didn't answer her.

Kenneth was a full-time famous movie producer who globally recognized. My sister wants a lead role in his upcoming series which could be aired on Netflix. Yes, he was that connected. My mom also wants me to get a runway modelling gig from him to boost my career. In my family, nothing but the best is expected from us and we'd do anything to get it.

I heard rumours about him and they turned out to be true. He has a thing for teenage girls. I told my sister, thinking she would kill him. Instead, she was happy. Now, she wants me to play along.

"He makes me uncomfortable" I muttered.

A stray tear fell from my eyes as I recalled that horrible night.

"Oh please" she scoffed as she applied lip-gloss "You'll get used to it like I did. Sometimes, the way to the top lies in between your legs. Just use protection like I taught you"

Once again, I looked away.

After about five minutes, the car came to a complete halt. She made a brief call.

"We're here. Gather the cameras" she told the person "Maya, let's move"

We took our placards, came down from the car and dived into the crowd of protestants. My sister had already planned the cameras and press movement ahead of time. They say the devil works hard but Uche Ogboi works harder.

As usual, people recognized us as we walked. Some even wanted to take pictures. We said our hellos and made small talk with a couple of fans till the cameras came our way.

"Look, it's Uche Ogboi" the journalist said, as if they hadn't planned this since "Please tell me what you think about this"

She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes as if she'd been crying.

"As you can see, I have shades on because I don't want the people to see the tears in my eyes"

The crowd around us nodded and cried too, thinking she was empathizing with them. If not for my sunglasses, people would have seen me rolling my eyes.

"Innocent people are dying but we will not take it!" she continued "We will do our best to stop it. We are the Nigerian youths and we are not lazy! Who's with me?"

She held her #ENDSARS placard up. Everyone cheered.

A familiar figure caught my eye in front. It was...Ada? She was dressed in all black. She stood near a white boy. I thought it was Justin till he turned around and I saw he was Asian. Three other people came up to them to talk and they all looked around our age. They were all foreigners except for one Nigerian in their midst.

Wait...Adaeze has friends?

They all look so cool. I would have thought they all just met if they wearing matching outfits. They obviously planned it.

I became intrigued by the situation.

What's she doing here? Why does she care about the protest? She's not a public figure so she can't be doing it for fame.

The five of them hugged each other then parted ways.

"How about you Maya?" the journalist asked me.

I got so distracted by the sight in front of me that my sister had to nudge me. Something is up with those kids; I just know it. I wish I could find out.

"Oh" I snapped out of my daze "I am sad. These people did not deserve to die. We should all come together to stop this because it could be one of us or our family and friends tomorrow. As an influencer, I will use my platform to spread awareness on this issue"

My sister nodded in approval.

"Well said" the journalist responded.

He started talking but I didn't bother to listen. My gaze was focused on Adaeze. She looked as if she was talking to herself. All of a sudden, she ran to the front. My eyes followed her; her friends ran towards her direction too as three of them chased a man down the street.

What's happening?

Why are they chasing him?

I focused on her as she chased him to the other side of the road and into a market square.

"Maya, time to go home" my sister whispered "Our work here is done. Let's just protest for a while"

With our placards held up high, we marched into the crowd. My mind was only focused on one thing.

What the hell did I just witness?

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