Chapter 39

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Monday morning came faster than expected, two days after the club incident. The whole ordeal drained me mentally and physically. I just wish I could take a break and crawl into my bed for as long as possible. It makes it even harder to know that I have a target on my back now. I could have been poisoned on Saturday. Take this as a lesson kids, don't take any drink that you didn't pour yourself at an outing.

We all went our separate ways yesterday and had to pretend like nothing was wrong at home. I've never seen the group so tense. We didn't even say goodbye to each other yesterday. It was so weird.

Today, Justin, Alex, Donald and I were just casually hanging out in the classroom. We had a free period so we could basically do whatever we wanted.

"I saw your posts this weekend" Alex commented "It looked fun as hell"

She went on and on about how the weekend was. I couldn't even be bothered to listen. I was too busy drifting out. The weekend started as a fun hangout then it narrowed down to a full-blown disaster. I almost got killed...again. The first time, I had a fun to my head then Nicole came to attack me in the bathroom and two days ago, I almost got poisoned. When does it end? I wonder if I'll ever be able to live a normal life.

I always had my doubts before but I'm seriously starting to think that this life is not for me. I'm exhausted. Oh, and let's not forget about the world-saving mission I'm yet to embark on. Everything happening right now is probably child's play in comparison to the main thing.

If Charles and my dad ended their friendship, it means Charles was up to something dangerous. What could it be? Where the hell is Zoandra when I need her? She could be useful to me in this situation. With her help, I could know what I am up against. I still haven't told my friends about all of this. I have to tell them. They can help me put pieces of the puzzle together.

Justin squeezed my hand in a comforting manner. He noticed I had zoned out. I smiled at him in gratitude. He always knew how to make me feel calm.

"What's up with Maya today?" Alex asked.

Maye laid face down on her desk. She looked like a shadow of herself. She wasn't her usual bubbly charismatic self. I wouldn't have even noticed her presence if Alex didn't bring it up which is weird because Maya always makes her presence known.

"Just leave her alone" Justin spoke. His voice sounded so serious and defensive.

"Why?" Alex teased.

"Because...she's not in the mood. Just please, let it go"

"He's right babe" Donald added "Maybe she isn't feeling well"

"Oh, Maya!" Alex sang "What's up with you?"

Maya didn't answer her.

"Snobbish much" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Alex, stop!" Justin looked angry at her.

"What's going on?" I asked Justin "Why are you so bothered about her?"

"Because" he paused "You wouldn't understand. Forget it"

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

He's acting suspicious. He never even used to care about her or give her the time of day yet here is he, defending her. Call me crazy, paranoid or whatever but I always know when something isn't right.

"What? No"

I couldn't deal with this. I need to clear my head.

"Excuse me" I told them.

I stood up and went straight to the bathroom. I entered one of the stalls. Am I just being paranoid? Did something happen between them? Maybe I'm just overthinking things. I mean, Justin can care about whoever he wants. He is a nice person.

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