Chapter # 6

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Asalam o Alaikum and Hello beauties!!!


Hope you enjoy the update!!!

I need your advice... Dou you guys want me to add my favourite shaayari pieces in this book too... or not?

Big shock coming at the end😁😁😁


He didn't expect that one word that left his mother's mouth as he turned around in lighting speed and looked at them like he saw a ghost.


Both mothers shrugged as he looked between them in utter shock and disbelief.

"Who Maria? Which Maria?"

"Duh... Who else... one and only... Our Maria,"

If he was shocked before then now he was perplexed. His mouth was parched and he felt like all the blood drained from his body.

"Are you both out of your minds? How can you think about it?"

Aliyah's beghum didn't like his words as she narrowed her eyes at her only son as she squeezed her best friend's shoulder.

"Watch your tone mister... You may be the mafia man now but you are still my son... But I won't hesitate to beat your ass... And what is wrong with her? She is perfect... She is beautiful, she is calm, she is kind, she can handle your crazy ways and most of all she knew this lifestyle from her birth...,"

He shook his head at his mother's amazing description as he looked at them with a blank face.

"I am sorry... But this is not happening... How can you both THINK about it... I am already guilty about killing your one daughter aunty Iram... How can your present the other on a silver platter? I respect you both but this is utterly ridiculous...,"

He was going toward the door, he can't be here another moment but Iram's beghum voice stopped him.

"It has always been her Mustafa... It has always been Maria... You knew it... We knew it...,"

He closed his eyes as he remembered what happened years ago, he knew he was betrothed to Arsalan Chaudhary's daughter.

His father had made the decision and the women supported it.

They wanted Mustafa and Maria to be the ones to get married because they had always had the best relationship but one day Arsalan Chaudhary said she was much younger than Mustafa and proposed Rania's hand.

Mustafa understands his intention and that's when he started keeping his distance from Maria.

"Please Mama... Aunty... Please don't do this... I can't bear it if anything happens to Minnie... If history repeats itself I will die... And also with a stalker already targeting Maria... I can't... I came here to protect her and I will do just that and we will go back to how it was before,"

"And what will you do if it happens again huh? What will you do if one day someone will hurt my daughter and you are not here to help her...,"

He got dumbstruck at her words, his mind had thought about many possibilities and scenarios.

"What if someone again tried to harm her Mustafa? You can't always be here for her... I can't always be with her... I don't trust anyone else to protect my only family... I trust you and I know Arsalan did too... He was the one who gives the responsibility of his family to you when he was dying... If he didn't seem you fit for it... He wouldn't have,"

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