1. This is Just The Beginning

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It is right after we played the Orpheum and me and Julie and the boys just figured out that we can touch each other. Me and Julie stare at each other while Reggie and Alex are hugging all of us with huge smiles on our faces. Alex and Reggie let go and leave us to ourselves.

Julie and I just hug each other a little longer until she mentions that it is getting late and should probably go eat dinner before her dad catches her hugging "nothing". So she turns for the doors until I tap her shoulder.

"Julie?", I say, as she turns around.


"I just wanted to thank you for making me feel alive again." I say as she just smiles and walks away after giving me one last hug.

The next day...
I was up all night last night thinking about her. I think to myself I might actually have a chance. I'm interrupted by small footsteps and sunlight shooting through the large studio doors as they are opening.

A cheery voice says "Good morning sleepy heads! Time to wake up!"

I smile as I'm sitting on my couch, finishing a song I've been working on. I quickly close my songbook and stand up to greet Julie.

"Hey!" I say, I'm thinking about last night while saying this. "I like you-R SHOES!" I say trying to hide the fact that I was just about to confess my LOVE TO HER!

"Oh thanks! They are new, I didn't think anyone would notice!" She says with a big smile. "Well, I don't miss a thing."

That was weird... I say to myself when I realize she's looking at me with a faded smile, but then breaks the awkward silence with some news the whole band needs to hear.

*Julie tells Luke the very important news...*

"Hey guys!" I say excitedly. Everyone wakes up with raspy voices.

"Whaaat..." Alex says, obviously sounding annoyed.

"Julie has really good news!" I say while jumping up and down with a huge smile on my face as I can't wait to see their reaction to the news.

Julie starts off by saying, "I got a call last night before I went to bed, and turns out, someone was recording our performance at the Orpheum last night and uploaded the video and it blew up with 5,000 views!"

The guys stare at each other with confused faces. Reggie replies with, "Oh no! The video blew up! That poor person won't get to see the video..."

Me and Julie look at each other trying not to laugh, and she explains what "blow up" means.

The guys both say in unison, "Ohhh!". Julie finishes out by saying that a manager saw the video and that was who called her last night. And the manager was interested in our band and wanted to meet us. Alex and Reggie bounced off the walls with excitement.

Reggie calls out, "GROUP HUG!!!" We all plug our ears due to his screaming at the top of his lungs. And then we all hug each other for a couple seconds.

Then Alex asks, "Wait, when do we meet this manager?"

Julie told us when and we were shocked at the answer.

"She will be here in 30 minutes." She says as we scramble to get dressed, and then quickly realize that we don't need to get dressed because the only lifer that can see us is Julie.

Julie laughs at the sight, and then quickly says, "We need to figure out which song we are gonna play."

I think about the song I've been working on, but change my mind and say to myself, "No, this is for another time."

Julie and I look through my songbook and a song catches her eye...

We Have Us

This is just the beginning
I need you to know
That I love you
And I want to know
But I can't get over the feeling
If you would feel the same
And I wish I could let you know
But life's such a difficult game...

Julie's eyes widened.

"Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic." My eyes grow wide and I start to blush, I quickly grab my song book out of her hands and turn to "Finally Free."

"This would be a good one", I say, trying to change the subject.

She shrugs and nods in agreement.

Woah, that was close...

Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry it was rushed, my brain wouldn't stop thinking of good ideas. It's a little short, I'll try to make the next chapter longer though.

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