13. The Gig Part 1

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Back to Luke's POV...

It's the day of the gig and we are practicing a lot today since we found Willie yesterday. It's gonna be so much fun.

We are setting up our instruments and Julie is practicing a couple warmups on the piano.

Once everyone is tuned and ready to play. We decide to practice Finally Free. It's Alex's favorite song. And we thought we'd let him pick since Willie will be watching us practice.

We practice Finally Free, then Stand Tall, then Flying Solo. Flynn decides to come too, so she sits next to Willie.

After a couple more songs, it's 10 o'clock. We started at 9:30 today because we wanted extra practice time before the gig.

Alex and Willie begin talking about random stuff. Julie and Flynn are talking now. So Reggie and I just stand there. We decide to try to write a song together because why the hell not.

"Whatcha writing?" Julie asks me.

"Oh, Reggie and I decided that we haven't written a song together in years and wanted to finally do it again. So we are just playing around with some chords." I say, focused on the sheet of paper in front of me.

"Okay, me and Flynn are gonna go shopping. You guys should practice while we're gone." She said and kissed me.

I ran up to her before she could leave and hugged her from behind. I kissed her on the cheek.

"Okay babe, remember, we have to be at the gig at 6:30 so we can practice before 7." I say.

"Okay, we'll be back around 2, so I'll be back by then." She says and reaches behind her head and steals my beanie right off my head. And runs away with Flynn before I can catch her. Really? I think I need to hide them from her. This girl is going to be the end of me.

"She stole my beanie again, I only have 3 left, should I like, hide them?" I ask the boys.

"Keep wearing them, it's cute to see you two fight over them." Alex says, laughing.

"Okay fine." I say, laughing.

We start practicing and then we take a lunch break an hour and a half later. It's 12:00 and I am bored just practicing, I mean, don't get me wrong, I love playing, but it doesn't feel right without Julie.

So I decide to take a walk down the street and I see Nick. I stop and walk back to the house. He looks like he's coming this way. I go in the house and sit on the couch like I've been there the whole time.

I hear a knock on the door and I go over to it and open it.

"Oh hey, Nick." I say.

"Hey Luke, is Julie here? I need to talk to her about something." He asks.

I get a little mad at this, but I decide to be nice about it.

"She went shopping with Flynn a couple hours ago, she'll be back by 2 though, she said." I say, dying inside.

"Oh great, thanks. Could you tell her that I wanted to talk to her and to call me?" He asks.

"Uhh sure, I'll try to remember." I said, about to throw up. I don't want to assume anything but I think that he's trying to date her or something. Flynn told me that she turned him down for me, when she was helping me with the date spot.

I walk over to the studio after he walks back down the street. I flop on my couch and put my hand on my forehead.

Next thing I know, I'm woken up by Julie.

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