36. The Mini Phantoms

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Luke's POV...

I'm playing my acoustic guitar when all of the sudden...

"Daddy?" Aspen looks up at me.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"What's that you're playing?"

"This is called an acoustic guitar. Come here."

Aspen climbs up on his lap.

"Put your finger here and I'll put mine here. This is chord E minor."

"What's a chord?"

"It's a note, a unique sound is given off by each chord."

"Ooh, cool."

"Hey, you stay here and play around with the sounds. I'll be right back."

I head to the studio where I find Julie and Reggie.

"Where's Alex?" I ask.

"Oh, he went to the movies with Willie. He should be back soon, they left about an hour ago."

"Okay, when he gets here, can you call me?"

"Yeah sure."

I come back to my room to find Aspen plucking a string repeatedly.

"Do you want to learn another chord?"


"Okay, put your finger right here, then another one right below that one, and another one next to that one. And there's your E chord."

"Yay! I'm so good at this!"

"Yes you are honey."

A half an hour later...

Julie pulls out her phone and calls Luke.

*riiiing, riiiing, riiiing*


"Hey babe, Alex is back."

"Alright sweet, thanks."

I walk back out to the studio.

"Okay, Aspen just asked me what I was playing and I told her that it was a guitar and she really wanted to learn. I think it's time to have them pick their instruments."

"Okay, Alex and Reggie, go get Harmony and Harper. I'll get Apollo. It's go time!" Julie says excitedly.

We all meet back in the studio.

"Okay kids. I have an important question. Would you like to officially have your own band together? Just like your mom, and I, Uncle Reggie, and Uncle Alex?" I ask.


"Heck yeah!"

"Yes right now!"


"I guess that's a yes then." Julie says.

"Okay kids. There are 4 main instruments and 4 of you. So you each get to have your own instrument."

The 3 year olds huddle up.

Aspen: I want to play Daddy's instrument.
Apollo: Okay, I want Mommy's.
Harmony: I'll take Uncle Reggie's.
Harper: Okay, then I'll take Uncle Alex's.

"Okay, did you figure out who's playing what?" Alex asks.

"Yeah." They all respond with.

"Okay, move to your instruments." Reggie says.

"Okay Aspen, I'll be teaching you. Apollo, Mommy will be teaching you, Harper, Uncle Alex will be teaching you, and Harmony, Uncle Reggie will be teaching you."

"Yay! We have a band now!"

"Not yet." I say, with a grin.

"Why not?"

"You need to think of a name first!" I say.

"Oh yeah!"

"What do you want your name to be?" Julie asks.

"The Mini Phantoms." Apollo says.

"Great idea, Apollo. Does everyone agree?" Alex asks.



"I love it!"

"Okay, you are officially a band now, The Mini Phantoms."


"When do we start learning?" Harper asks.

"Right now." Reggie says.

I hope this was good. I don't know if I'm going too fast, or if this is too lovey dovey like should I add a dark turn or something? I don't know haha! Add suggestions, ideas, or just comments on the story!

Liz <3

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