29. Dinner

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We sit on the couch and wait for our family to get here. About 15 minutes later they all arrive.

"Hey dad! Hey Carlos!"

"Hi honey, it's been months!" Ray yells.

"Dad, it's been 2 weeks. That's not that long." Julie says, laughing.

"Hi Ray, hey Carlos, come on in." I say, gesturing living room.

"Thanks, Luke." They both say in unison.

Then, my parents knock on the door. I go to let them in.

"Hi sweetie!" My mom screams almost knocking me over in the process of hugging me.

"It's been months!" My dad yells.

"Yes, it really HAS been months, come on in and make yourselves comfortable." I say, leading them to the living room.

We all sit down and talk about different topics in our current lives.

"Well, I should get dinner started!" Julie said, standing up.

"I'll help you." I say, following her into the kitchen.

"So what's the plan again?"

She whispers it in my ear.

"Oh yeah, alright I got it."

"Patterson, don't mess this up!" She whisper-yelled while pointing a finger at me.

"I promise, I won't." I say, bringing my hands up in defense.

She smiles and continues cooking while I set the table and ask everyone what they want to drink and set that on the table.

Then Tía comes storming in.

"I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late!"

"It's okay Tía we wouldn't eat without you.

Julie finished dinner shortly after Tía arrived.

We all hold each other's hands, bow our heads, close our eyes, and listen to Ray say Grace.

"Hey everyone, so, we have news." I say.

"Umm, well, uhm, we... umm Julie why don't you just show them." I fake the stutters and all the umm's for show. I totally wasn't nervous...

She stands up, and lifts her shirt up so her slight baby bump is showing.

Everyone gasps.

Julie and I share a nervous look towards each other. Not sure how they are going to react.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Carlos is the first to speak.

Julie and I laugh and nod.

Ray, Tía and Carlos wrap Julie in a hug while mom and dad hug me.

"Please tell me this was planned and not an accident." My mom whispers in my ear.

"It wasn't planned but it wasn't an accident. It was a happy surprise." I whisper back with a smile on my face.

"Well, at least you're on the same page with each other." My dad says.

"So how many months are you?" Tía asks Julie.

"About 3."

"Ooh yay now we don't have to wait as long as if we were told sooner." Carlos replies.

"When's your due date?" My mom asks.

"February 14th."

"Ooh yay! It might be an Aquarius! Just like it's dad!" My dad yells in excitement. I laugh at his joy.

"That's right, I never thought about that." I say.

We finish dinner and everyone hugs each other good bye and leave.

I guide Julie over to the couch and set her on my lap and she turns on a show called Zero Chill. I like it, she likes it, so it's our show.

We actually fall asleep, and after a while I wake up at around 11:00pm and carry her upstairs to our room and lay her down and slide in next to her. I kiss her forehead, then drift off to sleep.

So, the baby's due date is actually my due date when I was a baby. And people! I can't believe I hit 1.8k reads! Thank you so much! I really can't thank you guys enough.

Liz <3

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