35. Alex's Idea

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"Hey Luke, I have to tell you something."

"Yeah? Go for it."

I take him into the other room.

"I have an idea, and I think you're gonna love it."

"I'm listening."

"Okay, so. We need to start your kids going on instruments. So I was thinking, when they are about 4 years old, we let them pick one of the four instruments in the studio. And whoever plays that instrument, teaches them how to play it."

"Dude, that was a lot to take in. BUT IT'S A TOTALLY AWESOME IDEA!"

"I KNOW RIGHT! I thought of it at dinner."

"Alright man, we gonna tell the others?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."


"Hey guys."

"What's up?"

"Luke and I have an idea. Why don't you tell them Luke."

Luke tells them the idea and they all agree with excitement.

"Okay, so now all we have to do is wait patiently."


2 years later...

Luke's POV...

Okay, so it's been 2 years since the idea came about and it was really hard to wait. And there is a lot I have to fill you in on what happened in the last two years.

So first, Alex and Willie finally bought a house together.

Second, Flynn and Reggie broke up because they both decided that they had different interests and something else came about.

Flynn realized that she was lesbian and came out to us about a year after the idea. I'm so proud of her for realizing that and trusting us. And actually ended up asking Carrie out. Now Flarrie is official. Reggie reached out to Kayla, the girl from the Bright performance and Carrie's band Dirty Candi. And asked her out and she said that she had feelings for him too. So now they're dating.

OH MY GOOOOOD. So much has happened and now I'm out of breath.

The quads are about 2 and a half now, so only a year and a half left. But, who says we HAVE to wait until they're four.

"Hey guys?" I ask.


"Who says we have to wait until the quads are four?"

"You've got a point."

"How about we start them when they turn three. It can be their birthday gift." I say.

"Good idea, bro."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go tell Julie. She'll be so happy."

I go and tell Julie and she's happy as planned.

Then, I go spend some time with Nova because she's been lonely lately because of the quads. Even though they keep her busy sometimes, I still like to hang out with her.

I take her for a walk, then sit on a bench.

"Hey Nova, I need advice."

She looks up at me as if she understood what I just said.

"I need help planning a proposal for Julie. I think she's starting to think I'm never going to. And I love her very much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with her. But I'm not very good at this kind of stuff."

Nova whines.

"Smart dog."

She lays down on the sidewalk.

"I'm thinking of something not too plain but not too fancy, ya know?"

Nova gets up and huffs. I'm guessing that's a yes?

"But I don't know what she feels comfortable with. Like I have an idea but I don't know if she'll feel comfortable with it."

Nova shakes, I'm guessing that's a 'go for it' and an 'I want to go home' shake.

"Okay Nova, I'll do it. Life is a risk. And I have to take it. Let's go home now."

Nova huffs again. So I take her back home.

"We're back!" I yell.

"Luke! Get up here right now!" I hear Julie yell.

I make an 'oh no' face and put Nova's leash and harness back and head upstairs.


"Did you go through my dream box?" I can tell that she's trying to stay calm and epically failing.

"Okay, yes, I did. But only because I needed ideas for something."

"Luke, what did I tell you about doing that! Even though you're my boyfriend now, it's still considered a boundary!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I promise." I say calmly and slightly scared. Which she could definitely tell I want scared because she backed off a little.

"I'm sorry, Luke. It's just that there is some private stuff in there."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again." I say, then she hugs me.

"Dropped?" I ask.

"Dropped." She replies, then we head back downstairs.

Here's the next update!! What's your guys's ideas on what the proposal will be?

Liz <3

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