9. The Talk

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I wake up and yawn and look out the window and see the trees flowing in the wind. I hear the door of my room open and I see the most beautiful girl walk into my room and sit down next to me.

"Hey handsome, how'd ya sleep?"

"Hey beautiful, and I slept well, how about you?"

"Good." She smiles at me.

I take her hand and intertwine our fingers and kiss her hand still looking out the window. She giggles, I look at her and see how happy she is. I'm happy that I can make her happy.

She ruffles up my hair and tells me to come down for breakfast, so I do.

Today it's bacon and eggs with toast. Ray always makes the best breakfasts. I sit down next to Julie. Reggie and Alex already set the table. I intertwine our finger again.

I whisper something and Julie shakes her head yes.

Once everyone is seated at the table and has started eating, I speak up and say "Everyone, me and Julie have some exciting news to tell you."

I lift up Julie and I's hands and everyone squeals in joy. "You guys are finally together! It took you long enough." Alex says.

"Congratulations, you two!" Ray says with a smile on his face.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Reggie screams like a little girl.

"OoHhHhHh!" Carlos teases.

"Oh hush, you dork!" Julie laughs at her little brother, who is now making kissy faces towards us. I just laugh at the whole thing.

We finish eating and we all head to the studio to practice some more. We have a gig on Wednesday, two days after the meeting with Betty. It's at a small bar a couple miles away.

"So, what do we wanna practice today, boss?" I ask Julie.

"Hmm, Perfect Harmony?" I nod my head and make sure my guitar is tuned.

"Step into my world, bittersweet love story bout' a girl... Shook me to the core, voice like an angel I've never heard before." I start.

"Here in front of me, shinin' so much brighter than I've ever seen... life can be so mean, but when he goes I know he doesn't leave." She sings perfectly.


"We create... a perfect harmony..." We sing the last part together and I run over to her picking her up and spinning her around then setting gently back on the ground. Then I kiss her, it feels like it's just us in the room. And then I'm back in reality when she pulls away.

"EeEeKkKk!" I hear Reggie scream while jumping up and down.

"Yep. Meant for each other." Alex says with a happy face.

"Julie!!!!!!" Ray yells from the house.

"I gotta go, guys. I'll be back though." She says.

Julie's POV...

"Yeah dad?" I say.

"Well, you're growing up and I have to face that. And I wish your mother could talk to you about this. It's kind of awkward. But it needs to be said. Julie, if you are going to date someone, and if you ever get to the point where umm, well, you know... happens, please use protection."

"Ew Dad! Gross!" I scream.

"I know, I know!" He yells and holds up his hands in defense.

"But dad I appreciate you caring about me. I know your only intentions are to help me and protect me." He smiles at that.

He hugs me and I hug back. "Well, I should probably get back to Luke and the guys. If I don't practice with them, they will whine all night and trust me, I can hear them from my room." I say.

"Okay, sweetie, have fun!" He says back.

"Thanks dad."

Luke's POV...

"Hey guys!" Julie says.

"What did your dad talk with you about in there?" I ask, curiously.

"Oh nothing, let's just practice." She says.

I shrug and grab my guitar.

Alex starts softly play the beat of a random song. I try to copy it and I find a few chords that work. Reggie adds in a perfect riff. And Julie starts tapping a tambourine on her hip. We don't sing, we just play and enjoy the other person's company.

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