6. The Mission

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Third Person POV
"So, Julie. They seem nice." Ray tell Julie.

"Yeah, they are. They really bring out the real me, and they are so fun to hang out with." Julie replies.

"Yeah I can see that. You and that Luke kid seem close." Ray respond with a smirk.

"Dad! Stop saying that! I know I told you that we were going on a date but that doesn't mean that we are actually dating."

"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you!" Ray says back while laughing.

"Hey dad, I need to tell you something..." Julie says with a worried look on her face.

"What is it, Sweetie?"

"Well, the boys in my band are, well... umm"

"You can tell me, Julie."

"They're ghosts..." Julie says.

"Honey, it's getting pretty late, and I think you are pretty tired an-"

"Dad, stop, I'm not kidding. Do you remember that day that I ran out of the studio screaming, when I told you I saw ghosts?"

"Yes." Ray responds with a worried expression.

"Well, those ghosts that I told you I saw, are the boys in my band. They appeared right after I played a demo CD of "Sunset Curve", which was their band before they died. There is still a lot to explain, but that is the basis of it. And dad, please believe me, I'm not lying. You know me, I never lie." Julie tells him.

"Hey, "Sunset Curve" sounds familiar."

Ray takes a moment to think.

"Hey! That's the name of the band that your moms past boyfriend was in!"

"What?! Which boy?" Julie asks.

"I think his name was Bobby, I have no idea where that guy is now, bu-"

"Oh my god!" Julie cuts off Ray with her loud yelling.

"What?!" Ray replies while covering his ears.

"Sorry it's just, Bobby, the guy that you are talking about, is Trevor Wilson, he changed his name after Luke, Alex, and Reggie died." Julie responds.

"I can't believe this... Rose never told me that she dated Trevor before." Ray says.

"So I am connected to the boys through mom... she dated the 4th member of the band... I have to go tell them!" Julie quickly gets up and runs to the studio.

"Hey guys! Guess wha-" Julie starts and then notices all three guys sitting on Luke's couch looking at a small piece of paper.

"What's wrong?" Julie asks worriedly, slowly stepping closer to them.

"Caleb has our instruments, and without them, we can't play..." Luke replies, on the edge of breaking down. "I just thought we were done with Caleb. And now he's back. It's not even the instruments that worries me the most. Will Caleb try to control us again, or even worse get rid of us... for good?" Luke is now full on sobbing.

Julie walks over to him and sits down next to him. She rubs his back and kisses him on the cheek. Luke looks at her with sad eyes and just hugs her and sobs into her shoulder. Julie starts to tear up now, she hates when he is upset, she was on the edge of crying when she watching him stare at his parents when she spied on him that one day. She takes his face in her hands and looks into his glassy eyes and tells him "we will get your instruments back, I promise." She says it confidently and gets up and walks over to the piano and rips out a page of her songbook and starts doodling something, Luke walks over to her and sits down next to her.

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