26. Surprise!

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1 year later...
Julie's POV...

I wake up next to a still sleeping Luke. Usually he's up by now, already making breakfast. I look down at the floor at the end of the bed and see Nova fast asleep too. She should probably go outside.

I get up, trying not to wake Luke up. I tap Nova and she wakes up. I walk over to the door and she follows me. We go over to the door that leads to the backyard and I open it and she runs out.

I head over to the kitchen. I make our breakfast and put some dog food in Nova's bowl. I also refill her water dish.

A couple minutes later I hear Luke walking down the stairs. I look at him and he doesn't even look tired.

"Hey, you seem awake?" I say, confused.

"Yeah, I've been up. But I wanted you to cook this morning. I only know how to make one thing, waffles. And you know a lot more. And you just cook soooo well." He says with a smirk.

I just mess up his hair and get back to the food.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Well, me and the boys have plans to go have a boys day. Maybe you, Flynn, Carrie, and Kayla could have a girls day? It could be fun to hang out with friends again outside the band."

That did sound fun. It's been forever since I've seen those clowns. Oh, me and Carrie became friends after the whole Orpheum Performance and she opened up about her mom. Turns out her mom died of the same thing my mom did. Bullying me was her way of getting through it. I still don't like what she did but at least now I know the reason behind it.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun, I haven't seen them in forever." I say, plating the French toast.

I give Luke his plate and I sit down next to him.

"Nova needs to come inside, she's been out there a while now. I'll go get her." I say, getting up.

I walk outside and see Nova digging in the yard.

"Nova! No!" I yell running at her. I grab her collar and lead her back in the house.

"She's all dirty now, she was digging. Can you give her a bath while I clean up breakfast?" I ask.

"Sure thing, where's the dog shampoo?" Luke asks.

"In the bathroom cabinet, next to the bandaids." I say.

I clean up the table and wash the dishes. And then I call Flynn, Carrie, and Kayla on Snapchat group call.

Flynn joins first, then Kayla, then Carrie.

"Hey girls, so I was wondering if you wanted to have a girls day? Luke is going out with the guys so I have nothing to do." I say.

"Yeah sure! I just have to do my laundry and then I'll be up." Flynn says.

"For sure! I'm on my way right now!" Kayla says.

"Yeah, I just have to wash the dishes and then I'll be there." Carrie says.

"Ok great, thanks guys! Bye!" I reply, everyone else says bye and hangs up.

I get ready and then I see Nova being chased by Luke. I laugh and then I finally decide to help him after my entertainment.

"I guess I didn't close the bathroom door all the way."

"I guess not." I say, still laughing.

"I'll wipe this up, and you finish drying Nova?" He asks.

"Yep, I'll get the towels." I say.

We finish cleaning up after the mess and just wait for the others to get here. About 10 minutes later, they all arrive.

Us girls hop in my car and the guys get in Luke's car. We finally saved up enough money to get him one.

We decide to go shopping.

After 2 hours of shopping at different stores, we go back to my house. We hang out there for a couple hours. Then Carrie and Kayla had to leave. Now it was just me and Flynn. We head up to my room, and sit on my bed.

I suddenly feel nauseous. I get up and run to the bathroom. Flynn holds my hair.

"Woah, that came out of nowhere. Did you eat something bad?" Flynn asks.

"Not that I know of." I say, then I gasp in realization.

"Do you think—" I say with wide eyes.

Flynn catches on to what I'm saying, and then leaves to go get some tests.

She comes back a half an hour later and gives them to me. I go in the bathroom and do the tests. I wait 5 minutes and pick them up.




I start to cry, and then Flynn hugs me.

"This can't be happening!"

"It'll be okay, we'll get through this."

"Thanks Flynn."

"No problem, now let's get you some rest."

Okay, so umm... Julie's pregnant. What will happen next? How will she tell Luke? You'll find out soon! Did you guys like the sneak peek that I did last chapter? Or should I just leave out sneak peeks and make you wait for details for upcoming chapters? Thanks for 1.13k reads! It means so much to me that you like my book! By the way this chapter was really long and I promise the next chapters are going to be shorter. I didn't edit, sorry.

Liz <3

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