7. The Date Part 1

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I wake up with light beaming in through to window. I get up out of bed, and check time on the clock on my nightstand, it read 8:30. I get dressed and brush my teeth. I run a comb through my hair and walk downstairs. I see Julie sitting on the couch tapping away on that small, rectangley thingy again.

"Hey Julie." I say, startling her a little bit. "Sorry" I say, not really sorry, I laughed a little bit. "What are you doing?" I say sitting down next to her. I lean over and try to read what she was typing. She holds it out away from me so I can't see it anymore. "If you need to know, I'm texting Flynn."

"Okay." I say going back over to my side of the couch.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?" She asks me.

"Great actually, it feels so nice to be in an actual bed again."

"I'm sure it does after 25 years!" Julie laughed. I laughed too.

"I told my dad the whole story yesterday. So we can talk about ghost stuff as much as we want now." Julie told me.

"That's great, how did he take it?" I asks, curious.

"Well, turns out that my mom and Bobby dated before she met my dad. She was working at the Orpheum the night of your sound check I guess, and Bobby stayed there later than you guys and I guess they started dating after that."

"Oh my god, your mom was that girl we gave the t-shirt to, the girl that was cleaning the piano during the sound check! I remember her now! She was so nice, and she complimented our band, Julie." I said, now remembering the beautiful girl from that night.

"Wow, you do remember her." Julie said with a slight smile.

I hugged her, I knew she was remembering the good times she had with her mom. She just needed a hug.

"Hey, are you ready for the date tonight?" I ask her, pulling away from the hug.

"Yes! I'm so excited, where are we going?" She asks me.

"You'll see, just wear something comfortable to walk in." I said, making her sigh in disappointment.

"I wanna know." She said dragging out the word "know" in a whiny voice.

"Well, too bad. You're gonna have to just wait and see." I said with my signature smirk.

"Ugh, you're no fun." She said turning away.

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard Ray call from the kitchen.

Me and Julie walk over to the kitchen and grab our plates and help set the table. I grab the pancakes and syrup, and she grabs all the plates, silverware, and napkins. "Wait!" I said. "Can't forget the butter." Julie just laughed and I grabbed the butter and set it next to the pancakes and syrup bottle.

"I'll go wake up the sleepyheads." I said, walking up the stairs.

"Guys! Get! Your! Butts! Up! It's breakfast time!" I yell, getting a couple of long sighs and groans from the drummer and bassist. I pull them off of their beds, letting them fall on the floor.

"No one wants to wake up like that, I can tell ya that much!" Alex yells.

"Yeah, now my elbow hurts, thanks a lot Luke!" Reggie whines.

"Come down and get you breakfast, before I drag you down the stairs, I'm hungry." I say before running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"They'll be down shortly, I say with a smile." Julie just laughs, knowing what happened up there.

Julie and I sit down next to each other, Reggie and Alex come down and sit across from us, then Ray goes to get Carlos up and come down and sit at each end of the table.

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