11. The Nightmare

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"I woke up and I walked out of the door to the sound of sirens and the sight of flashing lights. I saw a police car and ran over to it and asked the office what happened and he replied with saying that there was an accident including a teenage girl and a traumatized pre-teen boy and then I started crying and I fell to my knees." I say in just two breaths.

"Oh Luke... come here." Julie said, spreading her arms out wide and I hugged her, hard, like I was gonna lose her at the moment. I just sob into her shoulder for a few minutes. I pull away and look at her for a moment. I take her hand and I look at it for a moment, then I move to her eyes, I look into them for a moment, and then, I feel her hair. Just to know that she's there and that she's real.

This nightmare really did a number on me. I laid back down on my couch, patting a spot next to me so Julie can lay back down too. I put my arm around her waist and nestled my head in her hair. We stay like that for a couple hours until Alex walks in.

He shakes me and I groan. I pick up Julie and put her to the other side of me and I push Alex away and go back to sleep. If I want to sleep, I'm gonna sleep. I hear Julie stir in her sleep, she opens one eye and looks at me. She then closes her eyes again and takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, then she kisses my hand, and places them on her waist.

I smile and go back to sleep as well.

I feel Julie get up and run out of the studio, I suddenly feel cold and lonely. Instead of wearing her shirt she had on just a minute ago, she comes back with my "Landed in the USA" shirt on. I smile at the sight.

"I stole your shirt." She tells me.

"I see that, you look good in it." I say with a tired smile.

"We should probably get up, it's probably close to dinner time." She says

"Yeah, you're probably right." I look at my watch and nod.

"Yep, 5:52." I say. We usually eat at 6.

A/N: Let's just say they went to the couch at 4, so they were asleep for almost 2 hours, I think that's a pretty reasonable time.

We get up from the couch and start to walk up the pathway to the house.

"So, are you ready for the gig Wednesday night?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm so excited, I've been counting the days since we found out." She says back with an adorable little smile.

We get into the house and set the table for Ray. Then we sit down at our usual spots. It's takeout tonight, Reggie is gonna love this. He's been craving pizza for a while now. I've been craving wings, but pizza is good too.

We finish eating, this time we wait for everyone else to finish so we can help clean up.

Alex looks a little sad. And I have an idea I know why. He hasn't seen Willie since we saved him. He's probably missing him so much right now. I know if I had to miss Julie for that long, I probably would be a complete mess. I'm gonna talk to him about it after dinner. He just needs someone to talk to.

We finish cleaning up and we all head out to the studio.

"Hey, Julie and Reg, could me and Alex have a moment alone please?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." Julie and Reggie say at the same time.

"Alex, have you talked to Willie since the night at the Hollywood Ghost Club?"

"No, I'm missing him really bad, Luke. I don't know where he is, what he's doing, or even if he's safe." He says starting to cry.

"How about tomorrow we look for Willie. And if we don't find him, we'll try again before our gig on Wednesday." I say, while rubbing his shoulder.

"Thanks, Luke. You really are a great friend. I know that you haven't heard that from me lately, but you really are."

"Hey, I knew this already. But thanks for telling me." I say, jokingly.

He just laughs. I go over and hug him.

"We're gonna find him, Alex." I say.

He just smiles and walks off to an empty chair that's not heaped with books and sheets of music.

I walk out the studio doors and look for Jules and Reg.

"Reggie!" "Julie!" I call out to them. They come out from behind the studio.

"Hey, you guys can come back in now if you want." I say.

We all walk back in.

Me and Alex tell them the plan. Now we are all on board.

I know, I know. This probably isn't the short that you want. I'll try and make them shorter from now on. I'll limit myself to 600 words hahaha!

Liz <3

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