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"Hwa... can you tell me why you've been crying so much?" San asks him as he's sitting down next to him on the bed.

Seonghwa has been crying for the past two hours and doesn't tell San why.

"Hwa..." San frowns. "We're best friends... tell me what's wrong."

"I-it's so much to explain." Seonghwa sits up on the bed. "I can't even process everything I found out today."

"Come on... I'll help you, just tell me."

"Okay." Seonghwa wipes his tears and tells San everything.

"What? Hongjoong? He pretended to be Yeosang?"


"What the hell?" San feels like his brain is about to explode. "No wonder you're like this." He pulls him in for a hug and rubs his back. "And I'm sure Hongjoong didn't mean it. I think he's being like this because he knows Yeosang's your ex-boyfriend so he thinks that he'd be betraying his best friend if he's with you. Who knows... maybe Yeosang still has feelings for you, so Hongjoong thinks he'd be a bad friend if he went out with you. I doubt he was being honest. He doesn't seem like the type to love money to the point of hurting others."

"Still... it hurt." Seonghwa sighs. "But maybe this is for the better. If he would've said yes, what was I supposed to do? I'm still the same coward I was back then. I'm still scared of my father and would probably just end up hurting Hongjoong like I hurt Yeosang." He wipes his tears away. "But San... did you really like Hongjoong?"

"Don't worry about it, Hwa. It was nothing serious." He forces a smile.

"Seonghwa, we have to talk." His father storms into his room. "Oh, didn't know you had a visitor since he comes in as if it's his house." He fakes a smile. "In my office... now." He walks out of the room.

"Do you think Yeosang told his father the truth? Is this what this is about?" San asks him.

"I doubt he'd tell him the truth. That'd get him and Hongjoong in trouble. It seems like he really cares about Hongjoong, so I doubt he'd do that." Seonghwa stands up. "Wish me luck." He says before walking out of his room and to his fathers office.

Once he gets to his office, he closes the door and just stands there.

"What? Are you not going to ask me why I called you here?"

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. There's no need to ask if you're going to tell me anyway." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Look at you getting braver and talking back to me." He glares at him. "Tomorrow we're meeting with Yeosang and his father... for your engagement."

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Why are you acting so shocked? I had already told you you had to marry him no matter what. His father also agreed that it's for the best if you two get married."

"But did you ask us if we wanted to? No, right? So why is it that you two feel like you have the right to decide for us?!" Seonghwa yells at him and his father grabs his hair.

"You know I'm the one who makes the decisions here, Park Seonghwa. So you better not put on a show tomorrow. You are going to marry him no matter what and that's final!"

He finally lets go of his hair and Seonghwa storms out of the office and screams in frustration, then takes his phone out.

My father just told me your father
agreed with our engagement
What's that supposed to mean??

I don't know
I'm surprised too. He told me he'd
let me decide what I wanted to do
in life and who I wanted to marry,
but it seems like he's choosing everything for me

I'm sorry about how I
reacted earlier today
I was just really shocked

It's fine. I'm also sorry
for telling you to stay away
from Hongjoong

You don't have to worry about that
We probably won't see each
other again

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