|| Chapter Twenty-Seven: Nail Polish ||

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{Word Count: 2,243}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Once all of us girls finished our baths, we began to head to the dining hall as a group. I felt a bit uneasy from what Monokuma had said to me earlier, but I tried to get my mind off of it. I continued to stay quiet during our entire trip to the dining hall. When we had arrived, Hiro and Hifumi were speaking about something.

"Hey guys! We're back!" Hina shouted with a smile. "Ahh, what a nice bath!"

"Getting a chance to relax was a true pleasure," Celeste chatted.

A sudden entrance within the dining hall made everyone turn their heads towards the door. Monokuma walked into the room; his arrival caused the Ultimates to let out annoyed sighs.

"The monster bear is back..."

"Hey! You guys are so terrible to me! I even have some presents to offer you all!" Monokuma whined.

"By presents, do you mean motives?" I groaned.

Monokuma's face lit up as he pointed to me. "Bingo! You got it right, (Y/n)! Such a smart girl!"

I crossed my arms. "Don't praise me."

"Aww, (Y/n), you're so humble!"


"Aww, (Y/n), you're so thoughtful!"

"I said stop!-"

"Stop bickering. Monokuma, when do we get our motives?" Kyoko intervened. 

"Kyoko, you ruined the fun! Ugh, go to the gym and I'll give you guys the motive," Monokuma sighed. He waved goodbye to us all before exiting the dining hall, most likely heading to the gym.

"Monokuma treats you as though you are his close friend...how peculiar," Celeste commented. Her eyes were narrowed in suspicion.

"If I didn't know any better, he treats you like his girlfriend!" Hifumi added on. 

"Shut up! I want him to stop treating me like this...it's weird," I grumbled with a frown.

"(Y/n), out of curiosity, do you have any memories of Monokuma before being trapped in Hope's Peak?" Kyoko questioned.

I pondered for a moment. "Hmm, no, I don't believe so."

"Hm, alright. Let's all head to the gym." Kyoko glanced at me once more before turning her attention to walking to the gym. I let out a sigh and followed Kyoko's trail, heading to the gym wondering what the next motive would be.

Once we arrived at the gym, Byakuya and Toko were already there. Byakuya clicked his tongue in annoyance, commenting, "I was kept waiting by the likes of you commoners. Do you need to be taught how to walk again? Why did you all get here so late?"

"Ah, Byakuya...you're the same as always," I mumbled. Byakuya raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you. Speak up."

I glared at the male. "I just said you were the same as always."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you're always an asshole."

Byakuya was ticked off by what I said. "Listen here peasant-"

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