|| Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Correct Answer ||

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{Word Count: 986}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I stared at the person before me dumbfounded. Were they really asking me for help? My eyes lingered down to the grasp on my wrist, quickly returning to hold the gaze of the person before me. Clearing my throat, I responded, "of course. What do you need?"

Kyoko relaxed a bit and let go of my wrist. "Thank you. I'm a bit behind on the case due to some business I had to take care of. Do you mind leading me through the basics of the investigation while I head over to examine the corpses?"

"I don't mind. Shall we get going?"

Kyoko and I began to walk down the hall and to the room where Hifumi and Taka's corpses lay. I explained the basics of the investigation so far, going into extreme detail about each event—especially the strange occurrence where Hifumi was resurrected. I seriously couldn't believe that Kyoko Kirigiri would be asking for help. She seemed to aloof and independent, but I suppose we all needed help at times. 

Once we had arrived at the site of the crime scene, Kyoko immediately got to work. She was sure to thank me before indulging herself into the investigation. No one else had dared investigate the bodies in as much detail as she had, so I decided to stick around a bit longer in case she had discovered anymore details that may aid this trial. They were going to need as much information as they could get.

Just as I suspected, Kyoko discovered more details than the others had. She didn't hesitate to share them with me as well. Perhaps this was her way of paying me back for catching her up on the case. Although she seemed a bit more open with me, I still noticed the small glints of suspicion that lingered in her vision. 

Just as Kyoko was finishing up her investigation, the familiar tune of the class trial bell had rang throughout the school. On the monitor systems, Monokuma's face slowly began to fade into view. Like always, the male sported a wide grin that showcased many of his teeth as well as his abnormally sharp fangs. 

"Yahooooo!" Monokuma cheered. He spun his chair around in a complete 360 degrees before continuing on with the announcement. "I'm so pumped for this trial! I bet you all are too!~ The battle between hope and despair continues! Without further ado, everyone please meet at the usual location. It's time for the class trial!" Monokuma's laughed echoed in my head even after the monitors had shut off. 

Kyoko lifted herself from her previous squatting position and spared one last glance at the corpses before turning to me. "Unfortunately, this is where our investigation ends. Use the information you have to reach a proper conclusion and I shall do the same. We'd better get going."

Kyoko began to walk past me, but just as we brushed shoulders she had halted. She murmured a small good luck before walking out of the room. I followed, not taking the time to look back behind me at the corpses before leaving. Not a word was exchanged between us as we walked to the first floor where the large, red door was located. It wasn't long before we stood before that intimidating red door. We both has entered silently.

A few people were missing from the room when Kyoko and I had arrived. However, they quickly gathered alongside everyone else due to Monokuma's commands. Once everyone was there, Monokuma had entered. However, this time he had a small companion along with him. 

"Why hello there, students!~ Look who has joined us today!" Monokuma held up a teddy bear similar to the one he gifted me a while back. The only difference was that this one was a bit larger. Monokuma holds the bear in front of his face, beginning to speak in a slightly lower tone. "Upupu~ I am Monobear, a close relative of Monokuma's! Be nice to me or else I'll claw your eyes out!"

Kyoko was unamused. "Can we just go already?" 

"How dare you not give a proper greeting to Monobear!" Monokuma pouted. He cradled Monobear and kissed his forehead as though he was caring for a baby.

"We aren't here to play your stupid games," said Byakuya with a scornful tone. 

Monokuma groaned and set a hand on his hip. Monobear hung loosely from his hand as though he was going to fall at any second now. "Fineee, then let's all get on the damn elevator. Chop, chop! The door's open!"

Everyone made their way into the elevator rather quickly, much to Monokuma's delight. The elevator seemed emptier than ever. There were only eight of us students left. It was almost completely silent in the elevator. The only noise was the sound of the mechanical humming coming from the descension of the elevator. 

I noticed how Hina stood furthest away from Hiro and sent him dirty glances when she could. She was truly convinced that Hiro was the killer. It was quite fair; practically all evidence pointed to Hiro being the culprit. However, I knew better than that.

Finally, the elevator came to a stop. I wasn't sure how long it took, but it couldn't have been more than a minute although it felt like a century. It felt as though time went in slow motion as everyone began to exit the elevator. Monokuma went first, rushing to his throne with Monobear by his side. 

As I went to exit the elevator, my shoulder brushed against Celeste's. I hesitated for a moment, containing a smile and I turned my head to stare into Celeste's eyes. She quirked a brow, but before she could question me I had spoke. 

If my calculations were correct, this was the answer. I have a one in one hundred and sixty-eight chance in getting this correct. 

"I know what you did."



Also, apologies for the short chapter! I would much rather write the class trial and such as it's own chapter instead of merging it with this one for some reason lol

Please excuse any mistakes in this chapter.

All of your support is appreciated.

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission. Do not plagiarize my content.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise.

Stay safe and have a lovely day!


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