|| Chapter Seven: Meeting ||

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{Word Count: 2062}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I was awoken by the sound of loud knocking on my door. I groan and sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. The knocking continues, causing a sigh to escape my lips. I rise from my bed and rush over to the door, cautiously calling out, "who is it?"

"It's Sayaka!" a voice calls from behind the door. Oh, Sayaka, the blue-haired girl from earlier. I slowly open the door, revealing the Ultimate Pop Sensation herself, Sayaka Maizono.

Sayaka gives me a smile, by which I return it. I had obviously just woken up, you could tell by the tired expression on my face, the messy hair, and the bit of dried drool stained on the side of my mouth; actually, I better clean that off. I wipe the drool away with my arm, smiling in embarrassment. Sayaka simply giggles.

"Sorry for waking you up...I'm guessing you were asleep?" Sayaka speaks, resting a finger on her chin. 

"I-It's alright, Sayaka! I just happened to fall asleep, but I'm glad you woke me up. It doesn't matter anyways, Junko probably would have woken me up if you hadn't," I respond, letting out a small chuckle at the end of my statement; Sayaka also let out a giggle. She seemed so perfect, a little too perfect. If I've learned something from tons of experience with movies and stuff, it's that you should never trust characters like Sayaka.

"I'm glad I didn't disturb you! Actually, I came here to get you. If it's not a bother, I was hoping you could head to the dining hall. After you left the gym, everyone just decided to go do their own thing. However, we all agreed that we would get together later on to talk about what we found out," Sayaka states, a serious expression on her face.

"Oh, if that's what's going on, then I'll be more than happy to go with you!" I reply, earning a wide smile from the blue-haired girl in front of me.

"Great! I'll go ahead and meet you at the dining hall!" Sayaka states, "remember, there's a map in your e-Handbook if you get confused!" After that statement, Sayaka ran ahead of me to the dining hall. I figured I should probably freshen up before meeting with everyone.

I scurry back into my door, hastily closing and locking the door behind me. I rush to the bathroom, brushing out my messy hair and brushing my teeth; didn't want to risk killing everyone with bad breath or something. How embarrassing, talking to Sayaka in that state.

After making sure I had become presentable, I exited my dorm, locking the door using the key I was given. I pull out my handbook, checking the map quickly to make sure I go the correct direction; after all, I didn't want to look like an idiot wandering around the halls without a clue.

I close the handbook and shove it in the convenient pockets sewed into my skirt. I begin heading to the dining hall, looking around at everything as I pass by. This school sure did look quite strange. I walk over to the entrance to the dining hall, noticing a small blue sign with pictures of a fork and knife drawn on it.

I enter the dining hall, looking around. There were tables placed neatly everywhere upon the red-tiled floor. On the left side, there was what seemed like a kitchen of some sort. Ahead was a wall of glass, allowing us to see what seemed to be outside; it was probably fake scenery though. 

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