|| Chapter Forty-One: Shackles of Despair ||

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Quick warning: The beginning portion of this chapter will contain more descriptive portrayals of abuse between Monokuma and the mastermind. If you would like to avoid this, please skip Monokuma's P.O.V. and proceed to (Y/n)'s P.O.V.

{Word Count: 2,009}


Monokuma's P.O.V.


How else would you describe this feeling? This unpleasant tightness in my chest I got whenever I remembered that their very being was always observing and analyzing my behavior. Watching my every move, almost as though they were waiting for an excuse to inflict despair upon both me and themselves.

In this moment, that feeling returned to me.


Fear as they loomed above me.

Fear as they raised their hand and readied it to swing.

Fear as I anticipated the familiar rush of despair that would soon strike.


"What the hell were you thinking?!" the mastermind snarled, watching me with angered eyes as I lowered my head to avoid their gaze. They were dissatisfied with my silence, grabbing my hair and forcing my gaze on them. "Answer me!"

"I... I don't know."

The mastermind clicked their tongue and yanked on my hair. "Dumbass. Did you forget about the plan? Why did you go and do that during the trial?!"

"I-I don't know..."

"You don't know?! Ugh, of course you don't. You're so stupid," the mastermind's persona suddenly switched, pouting their lips and furrowing their eyebrows in a cutesy way. They spoke in a higher pitch, giggling a bit as they harshly pinched my cheek. "You were so wovey-dovey with your little wittle precious (Y/n) in front of the whole class, holding her as though she was some sort of damsel in distress... That goes against one of the agreements we had, Monokuma-wuma! You've been messing with the plan ever since the beginning of the killing game! Are you unable to control yourself? That's sooooo uncute!!"

The mastermind let go of my face, their cutesy façade still intact. Despite their innocent expression, the gaze they set down upon me made me tremble with fear. I took a step away from them, my back hitting the wall behind me, further allowing the mastermind to trap me there in that room.

Just as quickly as before, the mastermind swapped out their persona again, returning back to the cruel way they seemed to only act towards me. They reached their arm out, extending a finger and pressing the sharp, acrylic nail against my cheek.

"You agreed to this plan, so stop fucking around with it. We all agreed to this plan." The mastermind smirked as they trailed their nail across my cheek, piercing through the skin and creating a gash. Their nail was filed to be sharpened like a blade, something I was too aware of. Everytime they filed their nails, they were preparing their weapon like a warrior preparing for war.

They retracted their hand, giving me only a moment of slight peace before they dug their nails into my shoulders. They pulled me closer as they brought their knee up into my stomach, dropping me to the ground soon after. The blow stole the breath from me and was almost excruciating enough to make me vomit. I coughed and clutched my abdomen, as though that would help ease the lingering pain. I didn't even want to see the mastermind's expression right now. I shut my eyes tightly, unable to fight the tears that rolled down my pale face.

Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora