|| Chapter Thirty-Three: Burdensome Confessions ||

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{Word Count: 1,495}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I awoke with a small wail, bolting upwards from my current position. I almost immediately recognized the familiar surroundings; I was in my dorm room. I let out an abrupt gasp, pressing my palm against my forehead. A horrific migraine seemed to be mushing my brains into a pulp and a sharp pain erupted through my ankle. That agonizing feeling was enough to remind me about the attack I had endured. 

The lights in my room began to burn as bright as the Summer sun, only fueling the dreadful pounding in my skull. A slight ringing began to echo in ears, also making my head ache worse. I shut my eyes and clutched my hair, praying for the pain to stop.

"Relax, relax. You're alright," I heard Monokuma tenderly speak from beside me. He gripped my shoulders and gently guided me to lay back down on the bed. "Just lay down and take it easy, my dear."

I didn't struggle or protest against him, I was too drained to. The only thing I could do in my weakened state was hope that Monokuma would properly aid me. Monokuma placed his hand onto my cheek and stroked my face with his thumb. I couldn't see his expression due to the fact that I refused to open my eyes. I wanted to avoid being blinded by the light, after all.

"Monokuma?" I murmured in a raspy tone. He merely hummed in response. "What happened?" I asked him. I wasn't aware of what happened after the attack nor did I know how I got back into my dorm, let alone survive. Monokuma had something to do with it.

"Well," Monokuma emphasized the word, "somebody decided to be stupid and get involved with a potential murder case. Which, spoiler alert, it did end up being a murder case. You ended up being caught and nearly killed, but your wonderfully heroic knight in shining armor came to your rescue~ I brought you back here to your dorm to treat your words. You're welcome, by the way." I could already tell that there was a proud smile adorning his face just from his tone.

"You...saved me?"

I felt the bed shift from Monokuma moving closer to me. "Of course I did! Who else would be smart enough to perfectly treat you?" I chuckled a bit at his statement. Monokuma's thumb grazed my bottom lip, making me open my eyes. The light burned them, causing me to whine in pain.

"Hey, it's okay. Take this." Monokuma held up some sort of medicine up to my face, advising me to take it. I glared at the medicine questionably. Monokuma took notice of this. "Come on, I'm not going to kill you. Why would I go through the trouble of saving you from death just to poison you straight after?"

He had a good point. "Here, I can take it myself," I insisted, lifting my arm and holding out my hand. My hand trembled as I struggled to keep it up.

"Are you sure about that, princess?" Monokuma raised an eyebrow. He smirked in amusement when I unwillingly dropped my arm, proving myself wrong. Now that my eyes properly adjusted to the light, I could see Monokuma more clearly. His monochrome hair was messier than usual and he looked worn-out. It looked like he pulled an all nighter. Still, despite that, he still managed to look attractive.

On the edge of the bed, medical supplies like bandages, antibacterial ointment, cleaning cloths, etc, were scattered across the blanket. I noticed a bandage roll off the bed and fall onto the floor when Monokuma's leg brushed against it, but he didn't make any motion to pick it up.

"Here, open your mouth," Monokuma instructed. He opened his mouth as an example, urging me to do the same. I leisurely parted my lips and allowed him to help me take the medicine. Almost immediately, he shoved a bottle of water to my lips. Once I drank a bit of it, Monokuma moved it away from my face. 

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