|| Chapter Sixteen: Loss ||

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{Word Count: 2,154}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Hey! Wake up!"


"(N/n)! Wake up! Hey!-"

"Hey, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

I could feel someone poking my cheek repeatedly as I slowly regained consciousness. I let out a groan and began opening my eyes. At first the person looking down at me was blurry, but when they began to clear my eyes widened.

"Ah, you're awake! You had me worried there. I thought you died or somethin'!" Monokuma exclaims, staring down at me with a grin.

I slowly turn my head around to see my surroundings, realizing I was in the gym with everyone gathered here as well. I let out a yelp and sat up in a swift movement, headbutting Monokuma. The both of us let out a cry of pain in response. 

"(N/n)! You're awake!" Junko screams as she rushes over to me, completely ignoring Monokuma. She tackles me into a hug and lets out wails and cries.

"Now's not the time for this shit! Get up!" Mondo shouts as us. When he says that, the memory of what I had seen before I passed out flashed through my mind again. Junko helps me up seeing that I had looked pretty shaken up.

"Are you okay...?" Junko questions me. I slowly shake my head, feeling faint yet again. The image of Sayaka laying still against the bathroom wall with blood surrounded around her reclaimed a spot in my mind.

"T-This has to be a dream...right? Sayaka c-can't be dead!" I stammer, smiling nervously as everyone in the room. Some looked towards the ground while others shook their heads slightly.

Monokuma then laughs, walking over to me. He turns to Junko and throws her a dirty glance before turning his gaze to me. He grabs my chin, lifting my face to stare up at him. He grinned wider at my cheerless expression.

"Oh, (Y/n). This isn't a dream, sweetheart, it's far from it. Ah, how I love to see the despair on your face..." Monokuma mumbles to me. My eyes only widen more as I let out a whimper of fear. "L-Leave me alone!"

Monokuma lets go of my face, a frown present on his face. "(Y/n). Sayaka's dead. Get that through your head. Stop clinging onto that hope."

When Monokuma spoke those words, it finally seemed to hit me. Dead. Sayaka is dead. She was really gone. Her heart stopped beating. She's dead. There's no way to revive her.

"Monokuma! Why the hell did you call us here anyways?!" Junko yells, catching Monokuma's attention. Monokuma turns to Junko, his smile returning. "Ah, that's right! I apologize, I almost forgot."

Monokuma then walks up onto the gymnasium stage, sitting upon the podium that sat in the center of the stage. He clears his throat and crosses his legs before speaking.

"Thank you all for gathering at the gym just like I asked you to! I'm sure the death of your precious classmate, Sayaka, deeply shattered you," Monokuma says with a smile.

"Who could have k-killed Sayaka...?" Chihiro whimpers as a few tears roll down her face.

"You guys already know who the killer is!" Monokuma giggles. He points at us, the crowd of students, announcing, "the one who killed her...is one of you, her classmates!"

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