|| Chapter Twelve: Proof of Friendship ||

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{Word Count: 1399}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

The sound of the noisy school bell awoke me from my slumber. I groan as I hear Monokuma's voice boom from the monitor. "Good morning, everybody! It is now 7 a.m., meaning nighttime is officially over! Rise and shine!"

I rub my eyes and sit up, swinging my legs off of the bed. I stand up and head over to the bathroom. Once I freshen up, I head to the door. "What should I do today?" I wonder as I unlock the door. 

As soon as I open the door, I am greeted with a loud, "good morning, (N/n)!" I yelp in surprise when Junko hugs me tightly. She pulls me out of my dorm and closes the door. "It's been a while since we caught up! What's going on with you? Has that stupid Monokuma been bothering you?"

"U-Um, well yesterday I was hanging around Sayaka for a while-"

"Sayaka? You better not think about replacing me with her!"

"No! Junko, it's not that. She just wanted to talk to me."

"Ah, okay. Then go on!"

I shake my head before continuing, "after we talked for a while, Monokuma showed up. He claimed he wanted me to hang out with him, so I did-"

"What?! Why would you do that?!" Junko shouts. She grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"I did it so he would leave everyone else alone! S-Stop shaking me! I'm getting dizzy!"

"Haha, sorry (N/n)..." Junko lets go of me. "Anyways, that seems fair, I guess. It's whatever 'cuz we are gonna hang out together today!"

I nod and chuckle. "Alright then, should we go get some breakfast? I'm starving!"

"Yeah! Let's go to the dining hall! I am totally in the mood for some breakfast!"

The two of us then head to the dining hall, making small conversation as we do so. We pass by some of the other students and give them a small greeting as we walk by. When the two of us reach the dining hall, there were a few students there as well. Hina was there along Sakura, the both of them conversing. I could also see that Leon was also here eating breakfast.

Junko and I both head to the back to retrieve some food, the both of us then sitting at a table with Sakura and Hina.

"Morning Junko and (Y/n)!" Hina exclaims before shoving another donut into her mouth. Sakura mumbles, "good morning."

"Mornin'!" Junko shouts. She then looks down at her plate and begins munching on bacon.

"Good morning," I greet before I dig into my plate of food. All of us eat in silence, enjoying our food. Only once we finished did we begin to speak again.

"I'm stuffed!" Hina shouts. She rests a hand onto her stomach, patting it. Sakura nods and lets out a statement of agreement.

"Are you sure eating donuts for breakfast was a good idea, Hina?" I question the girl.

"Oh, yeah! Definitely! Donuts are the best! I can eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It's no biggie," Hina responds with a smile. Junko lets out a laugh and I smile.

"Yeah, you really like donuts!" I laugh in which Hina nods.

"You bet! I love 'em so much that I could marry them!"

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