|| Chapter Thirteen: Breakfast ||

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{Word Count: 2128}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Good morning everyone! It is now 7 a.m., meaning nighttime is officially over! Rise and shine!" 

I groan as I lift my head, peering over at the monitor. There it displayed Monokuma, him smiling at the camera with a juice box in his grasp. The monitor then switches off and leaves me staring at a black screen.

I slowly pulled myself out of my bed even though I still felt a bit tired. I rub my eyes and brush the hair away from my face. Although I had just woken up, the sound of my doorbell ringing filled my ears. I let out a small groan as I quickly fix up my hair before opening the door.

Taka stood there, a smile brought upon his features. "Good morning, (Y/n)! Another beautiful day, correct?" 

I gaze up at the taller boy, tilting my head in confusion. "Yeah, I suppose so. What are you doing here?"

Taka then clears his throat, speaking, "you can overcome any storm when you have someone to support you, no matter how strong that storm may be! With that in mind, I was thinking about it last night and I have decided we need to come together! Every morning from now on after Monokuma's morning announcement, we should have breakfast together! Today is the day we will start that routine! Please come to the dining hall at your earliest convenience!"

I slowly nod in understanding. After that gesture, Taka nods and shouts, "now I must go inform the others!" before leaving for the dorm next to mine. I sigh and give a small roll of my eyes before I leave my dorm. I stretch out my arms as I walk to the dining hall. I could see that other students were also heading there, one of them being Junko.

"Hey, girl!" Junko shouts as she rushes over to me. "Morning Junko," I respond. Junko gives me a large grin as we both walk into the dining hall, multiple students already being there. Soon enough, Taka rushes into the dining hall after a group of more students walk in.

"Alright! It seems everyone has made it! Everyone take your seats and let us commence our very first "breakfast meeting"!" Taka yells loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone sits down onto their own seat.

I sat between Junko and Hina at one of the large tables. Byakuya and Toko were seated at another smaller table while everyone else was at the large table where I was. There was a plate of breakfast in front of everyone in the room, each plate consisting of the same meal.

"Everyone! I would like to thank you for taking the time to come to this breakfast despite your busy schedules," Taka announces. "I know this has been said before, but I would like to make it clear again. To get out of here, we must all cooperate with each other! The first steps are these breakfasts where we will become friends and learn to trust each other! From now on, let's meet every morning after the morning announcement! Now, let's eat!"

"E-Eat breakfast? W-With other people? I'm not sure...I-I've never done that before," Toko stammers as she pokes her fingers together.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've eaten breakfast with others!" Leon shouts as he stares at the plate of food in front of him.

"Well, has anyone come up with, like, any clues of this situation?" Junko questions, taking a bite of her toast once she finishes her statement. Silence echoed throughout the dining hall as no one spoke a word in response.

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