|| Chapter Seventeen: 11037 ||

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{Word Count: 1,692}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

The uneasy silence continued to linger within the room as tears continued to spill from my eyes. It all seemed unreal. Time seemed to stop. Despair seemed to well up within me.

"T-This can't be real," Leon mumbles, his voice seeming to echo around the gym.

"Ah, such an unfortunate death! I kind of wanted to keep from killing someone for no good reason, but I guess you guys needed to be taught a lesson. Now you guys understand right? You see how serious I am," Monokuma announces with a frown. His lips soon curled up in a smile when he saw the others glance at him in fear.

I still couldn't believe what was happening. Junko, who had been my friend for years, was dead. She had been murdered right before my eyes. 

"Sheesh, you guys are overreacting. It's not all that shocking. After all, she violated a school regulation!"

"Why did you kill her? (Y/n) has broken the same regulation, but you never killed her or even punished her," Kyoko mentions, furrowing her eyebrows.

I glance up at Monokuma, mumbling, "that's right...I've done the same thing."

Monokuma gulps, letting out a nervous chuckle. "I-I guess the secret is out! Monokuma has favorites..."

"If you have favorites, why (Y/n) then?" Kyoko asks the boy.

"I dunno! Sheesh, what is with all these questions-"

I step in front of Monokuma, glaring at him. "Why don't you kill me too?! I've broken the rules too! Don't I deserve to die too?!"

Monokuma stares at me with wide eyes. "U-Um-"

"Isn't only fair?! Just kill me!-"

"(Y/n), please stop," Kyoko speaks. She walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder, giving me a stern look.

Monokuma then cleared his throat, brushing off my outburst. "Anyways, I have something to give to you to help you solve who the blackened is!"

Monokuma reaches into his pocket, pulling out what seems to be a small file. Printed upon it's surface was, "Monokuma File 1." "This little file has all the information I gathered regarding the death in question. I call it...the Monokuma File!" Monokuma shouts. "Of course, I saw the whole thing go down in the surveillance cameras, so I gave you as much info as I wanted!"

"Wait, so you know who killed Sayaka then?" Kyoko questions Monokuma.

"Of course I do! If I didn't, how would I be able to fairly and accurately judge the class trials?"

"I suppose that's a good point...the judge must make a proper decision."

"Alright then! Please put your full effort in the investigation! We'l meet up again for the class trial!" Monokuma giggles. After that, Monokuma makes his exit, leaving us in the gym. He left us confused, stunned, shocked. He left us with Junko's corpse growing colder in front of us.

I couldn't help but glance back at my former best friend's dead body, pain welling up within me. I held in tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. Despite being the ultimate actress, it was difficult to even try and hide the pain I felt.

"Now is no time to wallow in your depression," Kyoko states, glancing at me. "Remember (Y/n), don't lose faith in yourself just because of Junko's death. She would want you to live for her, correct?"

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