|| Chapter Thirty-One: Blood-Stained Memories ||

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{Word Count: 2,833}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

The loud announcement from the monitor awoke me from my slumber like always. I completed my usual morning routine and headed to the dining hall soon after. The dining hall was quite silent when I arrived, the others in the room silently eating their meals. I did the same.

As I munched on my food, I thought back to the night before. The thought of Monokuma's lips pressed against my own made my heart flutter. His face so close to mine made me want to forget the situation at hand and stay in his presence forever.

If only things were that simple.

I shook my head and regressed the feelings that swirled within me. I finished my meal, cleaned up, and left the area. I just wanted to go back to my dorm and sleep. Maybe if I slept through the day, I wouldn't have to deal with the conflicting emotions that clouded my mind. Dammit Monokuma, why do you insist on making me feel this way?

Not paying enough attention to my surroundings, I bumped shoulders with someone in the hall. I turned to the person, seeing that it was Kyoko. I bowed a bit and apologized, about to rush off to my dorm. Before I could walk away, Kyoko spoke.

"(Y/n), have you seen Monokuma lately?" she asked. Kyoko's stern glare intimated me and made my feel pressured to answer.

I decided to give a short response. "No, not really."

"I see...I saw him walking in the hall last night. He looked a bit distressed. Since he seemed to be attached to you, I wanted to know if you have any clue about that," Kyoko said, a hand on her hip as she spoke.

I acted as though I was confused. "Huh, really? That's weird...maybe he's confused about why we keep going to the bathhouse. I guess he just doesn't understand how much we enjoy that place!" I giggled a bit.

"Ah, yes. Maybe that is it. I suppose he feels a bit left out. Sorry for keeping you here."

"It's alright. See you Kyoko!" I waved a bit and walked away from the mysterious female. I just wanted to make it to the comfort of my dorm where I could relax, work out my emotions, and stop putting on an act for the other students.

I finally made it to my dorm, sighing in relief. I reached into my pocket until I felt the cold metal of my key graze my fingertips. I pulled out the key and shoved it into the knob, unlocking the door and entering.

The feeling of relief that had previously resided within me dispersed once I realized who sat upon the bed. I tensed up a bit as I closed the door, being sure to lock it. "What are you doing here?"

"You sound so unhappy to see me..." Monokuma frowned.

I tossed my keys on the small table that resided in my room and walked over to the headmaster. I stood in front of him and glared. "I am; please leave."

"Aww, c'mon! I just wanna talk." Monokuma stood up, looking down at me with a smile. That smile was full of shit.

"What do you want?"

"What are you hiding in the bathhouse?"

I clicked my tongue. "That again? You already know I'm not going to tell you."

"Ah, I know. That's why I'm presenting a motive," Monokuma grinned as he held out an envelope to me. "For you~"

I clenched my jaw upon resting my gaze on the envelope. "Isn't this the same motive as before? C'mon...be more original," I managed to crack a joke despite how nervous I felt. Monokuma pouted and said, "c'mon, don't complain! Just take the envelope."

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