|| Chapter Three: Monokuma ||

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(I found the sprite edit above on reddit. However, the person who made this edit deleted their account it seems so I can not properly credit them. Apologies ^^;)





{Word Count: 1659}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Alright. Now that introductions are over, let's get down to business," Byakuya stated, crossing his arms, "this is no time for standing around while making friends like a bunch of dull-eyed baboons."

"I mean, that is true! Someone was talking about a bigger problem or something?" I questioned, tilting my head and placing a finger on my chin.

"Well, you see, (Y/n), you were telling us about how you were randomly asleep? The same thing happened to the rest of us," Sayaka blurted.

"Yeah, man! After each of us got to the main hall, we just lost consciousness," Leon uttered as he ran his pale hand through his hair. "And when we woke up, we were just somewhere in the school! That's what happened with you, right?"

"This is really weird...that the same thing happened to all of us," I mumbled and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Exactly! That's why everyone is freakin' out!" Mondo screamed. Mondo clenched his fist after he had spoken.

"That is not the only thing; you saw all of the windows in the hallways and classrooms, right?" Taka questioned. I nodded in response. "Instead of normal glass windows, it's just a bunch of big metal plates! What's up with that?!"

"And all of my stuff is missing! Even my precious cellphone," Junko complained, letting out a sign in annoyance.

"Yeah, Junko's right...I haven't seen my PDA anywhere," Chihiro remarked as she clasped her hands together.

"Also, the main hall here, too. The front exit is blocked by some weird, giant metal hatch. Nothing like that was here when I first came here!" a bead of sweat rolls down Taka's face, "what the heck?! What is going on here?!"

"Maybe we got caught up in some, I dunno, like, crime or something?" Junko said with a nervous smile.

"Huh? Like a kidnapping or something?" Leon chuckled nervously. "You think someone just grabbed us, hauled us off, and took us? Are we not actually at school?"

"Come on, everyone Don't be like that! Cheer up," Hiro stated, rubbing his chin as in deep thought. "I bet this is all just a part of the school's orientation procedure or something! I'm sure that's it! So I'll take it easy for a bit."

Chihiro let out a breath of relief as she wiped away tears that fell from her eyes. "Oh! So do you think they just wanted to do something to surprise us new students?"

"Huh...well if that's all this is, then I'll go take a nap," Leon muttered, pouting and running a hand through his hair yet again. "I was up too late last night, so I could use some more sleep!" Leon chuckled.

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