|| Chapter One: Awakening ||

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Sorry I didn't publish this as soon as it was finished! I'm having internet issues so this wouldn't publish








{Word Count: 1001}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I slowly raised my head, groaning. I had woken up with my head rested on a wooden school desk. Almost immediately, realization struck me. I immediately took a deep breath and then looked around, an expression of confusion overcoming my features.

My body seemed to have felt heavy. Although I had fallen asleep in a boring class before, this time was different; this isn't a classroom I had been to before. What the hell was going on?

I stood myself up and stretched, a smile of satisfaction crossing over my features when my bones popped. I took another deep breath and then glanced back at the desk; resting atop its surface was a small note.

I reached over and picked it up, examining it; it seemed to have been some sort of cheap-looking pamphlet with messy handwriting on it.

"Hey there new kid! The next semester is about to start! Starting today, this school will be your entire world," I read the pamphlet aloud. "What the hell? Is this some sort of sick joke?"

I sighed and peered around, noticing large metal plates bolted to what I suppose was windows. I strolled over and rested my hand on the surface, confirming it was metal. It was a thick, sturdy metal and it's surface was cold against my hand. That's not what mattered at the moment, the thing was, why were the windows like this in the first place?

I shook my head and turned away from the strange window, glancing at the clock; it was already past 8 o'clock.

"This must be a classroom inside of Hope's Peak," I tapped my chin in thought, "I wonder why there are metal plates covering the window like this? Maybe I should just head to the main hall again, it's already past the meeting time..."

I walked towards the door and slid it open then proceeded to walk outside the classroom. The hallway was rather odd-looking and empty.

For now, I would just worry about getting to the main hall.

I traveled through the strange hallway, never getting lost. I knew the building quite well, actually. Soon enough, I found the main hall and opened the doors, entering the room. Immediately, I spotted a bunch of students. A lot of them stared at me, while others glared harshly.

"Whoa, hey! It's another new kid!"

"Are you all the other ultimate students?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side slightly; a few strands of my (h/c) hair fell into my face as I did so.

"Yeah. We are all new here! Today is supposed to be our first day of class!" a student I couldn't identify said.

"Including her, that makes fifteen of us. Seems like a good amount of people; I wonder if that's everyone," another person said.

Their voices seemed to blend with the rest of the crowd, making it hard for me to recognize who was talking. Standing before me was all of the other Ultimate students that have also been selected by the school.

"Hello, my name is (Y/n) (L/n), Ultimate Actress," I introduced myself, bowing politely; first impressions are very important after all. "I apologize for being late. I was asleep somehow."

"(Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim.

I turned my head to see...Junko.

"Oh, hey, Junko!" I shouted back.

Junko lunged at me, pulling me into a hug. She buried my face into her chest, making me try to pull away from the hug; after a while of nearly suffocating, she finally released me from the embrace.

"L-Long time no see," I chuckled awkwardly. Junko nodded with a large grin present on her face.

"Things keep getting more peculiar by the second, it seems," a girl with large drills on either side of her head mumbled. She rested a pale finger on her chin in thought.

"Very odd...I declare that this situation is odd indeed!" a large, round boy said.

"So, um...what's going on right now? I'm really confused," I said as I began to feel a bit nervous.

"Wait just a moment! There is something that needs to be addressed!" a proper-looking male with a white suit yelled. "(Y/n)! Your tardiness is absolutely unacceptable! You were aware of the meeting time, right?! To be late like this on your first day is absolutely unspeakable! I have to report you!"

"Sheesh, what's your problem? It's not like she wanted to be late! (N/n) didn't have any control over it!" Junko shouted as she twirled a piece of her hair around her finger.

"Everyone, chill out! Hey, why don't we all introduce ourselves?" a girl with a ponytail exclaimed. Her attire consisted of shorts, a tank top, and a red jacket atop of that.

"What the hell? Now's no time to fucking introduce ourselves!" a male with a large pompadour yelled.

"Maybe so, but I think it's a good idea to at least find out who everyone is before we discussed the bigger problems here. I mean, how do we talk to each other when we aren't properly introduced?" the girl with large drills responded. She smiled widely, her blood red eyes glaring at me.

"That's a good point," a petite girl with a green jacket and large brown skirt said.

"Alright! Let's get the introductions out of the way so we can move on elsewhere. Sound good?" a female with blue hair stated as a large smile overcame her features. Her smile seemed genuine, but it was so sweet it made me sick.

To be honest, I was still completely lost, but I think introductions are the best thing to do right now. So, I guessed it was time to introduce myself to the others. I already had looked up most of the people here on the internet, but I do think it's better to talk to them in person and find out who they really are.

I guess I'll start with one of those students over there.


Hello, everyone. Sorry this update took so long! I had no motivation to write this and just wrote this so I won't leave you all on the prologue. I know this is kind of short, but I was too lazy to write more lol

I hope all of you enjoyed this!

I apologize for any mistakes made.

I will try my best to update as soon as I am able!

Comment what your favorite Danganronpa game is!

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise.

Stay safe and have a lovely day

-Michi :)

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