|| Chapter Forty: Faithful Secrets ||

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{Word Count: 1,993}


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

We all exited the execution room one by one, everyone in too much shock to utter any words. I felt sick to my stomach as I proceeded forward, thinking back to the feelings of utter despair everyone experienced during Taeko's execution. Everyone gathered in the elevator, an uneasy tension remaining in the air, just like every other post-execution moment we experienced. 

Slicing through the silence, Kyoko suddenly spoke up. "Celeste handed me what seemed to be the key to one of the dressing room lockers in the bathhouse."

Byakuya adjusted his glasses, a small smirk making its way to his lips. "That must be where it's hidden then. Let's all go to the bathhouse straight away."

With no disagreements from the others, a silent agreement was formed within the group. As soon as the elevator halted and opened its doors to us, we all exited in a hurried fashion. We all had walked as a group down the hall, but Kyoko disrupted that, grabbing my wrist to stop me from moving forward any further. The others continued on further without us, not even noticing our absences.

I turned to her and quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "What's up, Kyoko?"

"May I speak with you about something briefly?" Kyoko asked, her stern expression never faltering. 


"It's about how you were injured prior to the trial. Are you positive you do not remember a thing?"

I nodded, acting as though I still held no clue as to how I suffered such a major head injury. I noticed Kyoko's slight shift in expression; It was almost like she was questioning my answer. 

"Celeste informed us what happened to you while you had passed out during the trial. She said that you had caught Hifumi killing Taka and he had attempted to kill you. Though he was unsuccessful due to the treatment of your injuries."

My eyes widened, bottom lip quivering as I staggered back a bit. "H-Hifumi...tried to kill me?" 

"Yes, he did," said Kyoko.

"I can't believe it... Did she know how my injuries were treated?"

Kyoko shook her head and crossed her arms. "She claimed that she had no idea about that. Though I believe it was likely Monokuma."

My face contorted into a sour expression. "Oh, of course it was."

Kyoko paused, studying my expression. Her piercing and focused gaze made me a bit uneasy, but my act remained. After a few seconds, she began to walk once again. Her shoulder slightly brushed against mine as she walked past me, not even stopping briefly as she said, "okay. We should get a move on."

"Ah- Wait for me," I said, quickly spinning around and rushing to walk alongside Kyoko. She spared me no glance, almost ignoring my presence beside her. I gave her the same treatment, keeping my gaze ahead and only focusing on catching up with the others.

It didn't take long for us to meet back up with the others. Byakuya looked as us with a scorn, clicking his tongue upon us regrouping with them in front of the bathhouse. 

"Took you long enough," he commented, clicking his tongue again.

I rolled my eyes. "Took you long enough," I repeated in a mocking tone. The action only made Byakuya more annoyed. 

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