Chapter 1

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Maddy's eyes widened on hearing what Leia said

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Maddy's eyes widened on hearing what Leia said. Due to her sudden absence and Tristan's slip of tongue, her mother was worried and was boarding a plane to California. After flying all the way to India to rescue Leia, only to find that the people who bought Leia from the dark market also worked for the supposed 'boss', the last thing Maddy needed was to have her mom added to the whole situation.

If her mom did arrive to California, she would find out that Maddy wasn't in California and then Maddy would definitely be grounded for her entire life. Maddy couldn't afford to get grounded. Especially not now. The boss was out there, planning on bringing all the werewolf packs down. He had even paid humans to do the research. He was planning something big, and right now, Maddy was their biggest advantage. She wouldn't succumb to any of the boss' attacks because she wasn't a werewolf. The rules didn't apply to her. Not to mention the fact that her friends would also be in danger because they were werewolves. There was no way Maddy would sit in her house back in New York while her friends fought for their lives.

Maddy scrambled to get her new phone. She quickly dialed her mom's number. After three rings, her mom picked up.

"Hey, Mom!" Maddy said brightly. "You called?"

"I heard that you got kidnapped. Is that true?" her mom asked bluntly.

Maddy forced a fake laugh. "Mom! Did you honestly think that I would get kidnapped? It was just a prank!"

"Uh huh."

"Why would I be kidnapped? There is like nothing special about me. Normal people don't get kidnapped."

"Are you sure you are safe?" her mom asked worriedly.

"Yeah!" Maddy said. "I'm perfectly fine. Leia is here with me too."

Maddy switched to a video call as Leia climbed into Maddy's bed to sit next to Maddy and joined in on the conversation. The three of them talked for some time.

"Fine," her mom said once Maddy and Leia managed to convince her that everything was fine. "I suppose I'll cancel my ticket to California. When are you returning?"

Maddy shared a look with Leia. If things went according to Maddy's way, she wouldn't have to return to New York. Justin had asked Maddy to join the pack if she could manage to convince her mom to shift to California. Maddy wanted to have face-to-face conversation with her mom where she would explain everything that was going on. Until then, Maddy wanted to keep her mom in the dark.

"You know," Maddy said as she waved her hand nonchalantly, "soon."

Maddy's mom narrowed her eyes. "Well, I want you back here by the next week."

"What?" both Leia and Maddy exclaimed.

"What do you mean by what? Your school is starting. Leia will stay in California, but you have to come back. Surely, you remember that."

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