Chapter 38

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Throughout the ride, tooth-necklace lady made sure to make her presence known by repeatedly banging the door of the trunk

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Throughout the ride, tooth-necklace lady made sure to make her presence known by repeatedly banging the door of the trunk. Tooth-necklace lady was in the other car with the Alpha but still Maddy could hear her from where she was sitting. It was a good thing that the safehouse was in a deserted place or they would have surely been caught kidnapping tooth-necklace lady.

The car ride to the Amalthea Pack headquarters was silent except for the Taylor Swift songs that were blasting inside the car. Alexa had developed an infatuation with the singer and was jamming her head to the songs in the back of the car.

It wasn't until Xander's elbow grazed against Maddy's stomach and that area started burning did Maddy remember the fact that tooth-necklace lady had scratched her in the stomach. Maddy yelped, but as the pain receded, she too relaxed. Everyone stared at Maddy, waiting for her to explain.

"Where did you get hurt?" Xander demanded as he frantically checked Maddy.

"It's just a small scratch. Nothing to worry about."

"That didn't seem like nothing. We are going to go to the pack doctor the moment we reach."

Xander's voice posed no room for argument. Maddy stared at her stomach for a second before asking, "Would I need to get an injection for this wound? To un-infect whatever bacteria tooth-necklace lady had in her claws."

Xander cracked a smile. "Why? You scared of injections?"

Maddy crossed her arms and scowled, "I'll let you know that injections are quite scary. They are sharp and pointy and literally pierce into your skin. It is like stabbing someone, except the fact that it is legal."

"Once again, I'm telling you, doctors don't stab people. Quite the opposite actually. They help people," Leia said as she turned back from the front seat with an exasperated expression.

"Lies. Doctors stab people back to life," Maddy said. It was the hundredth time Leia was telling Maddy the same thing but Maddy didn't believe her. Maddy had seen her mom inject patience and it looked dangerous and scary. Something that should definitely be illegal.

Leia rolled her eyes. "Normally, you wouldn't have to take an injection but I don't know about Elvira's claws."

"An injection, huh?" Xander said as he leaned back. "You know, a shot of me is going to make your life much better."

Maddy smiled. It had been a long time since she had heard a pick-up line and she had missed it. Not that she would admit it to Xander. "No thanks. We both know that I am immune to your charms."

"Did you seriously just counter my pick-up line?" Xander asked with a strange glint in her eye.

Maddy would have replied but then she saw that Leia and Alexa's eyes were glued to the two of them. They had stalkerish looks on their face that Maddy didn't like. Leia was even making suggestive faces, something Maddy really didn't need to see. So, Maddy kept shut her mouth and just glared at Alexa and Leia.

Alexa and Leia kept on glancing at each other with secretive smiles on their faces throughout the car ride. Maddy didn't need to ask them what the smile was about. It was most probably about her and Xander, something that definitely was not their business. Thankfully, no one spoke anything. Taylor Swift's music and Alexa's off tune singing-shouting filled in the silence.

The moment they reached the Amalthea Pack headquarters, werewolves rushed up to meet them and see what was the result of their little trip. Justin, Nadine, and one more person who Maddy didn't recognize, unlocked the trunk, ready to grab hold of tooth-necklace lady. The moment the trunk was opened, tooth-necklace lady sprang out. She punched the Alpha on the nose and practically sprang out of the car like a cat. She shifted into her wolf and tried to run but at that time, Justin grabbed hold of her neck and picked her up. In the blink of the eye, tooth-necklace lady shifted back into her human form, kicked the Alpha in the nuts and made a run for it.

At the back of her mind, Maddy wondered if that was how Maddy looked when the rogues had tried to kidnap. Maddy couldn't make herself feel sorry for tooth-necklace lady even though Maddy had once been in the same position. There was no way Maddy would ever forgive her for selling Leia in the black market. It was a good thing that Leia had come back in perfect condition. No physical or mental scars or else they would be having an entirely different conversation.

Unfortunately for tooth-necklace lady, Nadine was too amazing to let her go scot-free. In a move that Maddy had never seen before, Nadine ran towards tooth-necklace lady and when she got close enough to her, she shifted to her wolf and jumped. As a wolf, she could jump extremely high and once she was on top of tooth-necklace lady, she shifted back to her human form in such a way that when she fell, she fell on top of tooth-necklace in a straddling position with her hand choking tooth-necklace lady. "Make another move and you'll regret it," Nadine said in an extremely threatening voice.

Maddy's jaw dropped as she stared at Nadine. Maddy couldn't wait to learn all those movies. It was like watching one of those action movies where the main character does cool movie except the fact that this was very much real.

Nadine then picked up tooth-necklace lady like a rag doll and started walking towards the jail-building or whatever the werewolves called the building where the previous Beta was being kept, with the Alpha following behind Nadine. Tooth-necklace didn't even make a single move. She was smart enough to know when she was outmatched.

"Nadine officially just became the coolest person in the pack," Maddy said with awe.

"I thought I was the coolest person in the pack," Xander said with a frown and then he smirked. "Oh wait, I'm the hottest person in the pack. Never mind."

Alexa made a gagging sound which made Xander shove Alexa.

Ten minutes later, the Alpha and Nadine returned. Maddy immediately went up to Nadine. "That was awesome," she gushed. "You've got to teach me those moves."

"If I'm not wrong, you can't shift, right?"

"Okay fine. You've got to teach me moves similar to that one," Maddy said with a pout.

Nadine just ruffled Maddy's hair and went off.  


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