Chapter 35

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The Alpha kept on glaring at Mack the whole time he decided on which four people would stay in the room

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The Alpha kept on glaring at Mack the whole time he decided on which four people would stay in the room.

"She and she will hide inside the trapdoor," Mack said, choosing for the Alpha as he pointed at Maddy and Diana.

The Alpha frowned. "Absolutely not. Maddy won't be able to get down without breaking her legs and I don't want either of them to get hurt. I'll hide in the trapdoor."

"You are too big. If you hide here, one more person won't be able to fit. It is either you only or two of them."

"I can jump from there. I have done it before," Maddy assured the Alpha.

"And you nearly broke your legs," Xander pointed out.

"You shouldn't worry about us," Diana said. "We will be fine. What you need to worry about is where you will be hiding. You men are way too bulky for your own good. None of you will be able to hide under the curtains."

"We will," Justin said as he tried not-so-subtly trying to hide behind the curtains. You could clearly see his feet and the curtain looked swollen.

"You are clearly seen, Justin," Diana said as she shook her head with amusement.

Alexa went up to the curtains and drew it one side. The windows were huge. As tall as the height of the wall. The window was divided into two parts by a wooden pane. The bottom half of the window was immovable. It was like someone had replaced the wall with a rectangular piece of glass. The upper half had a handle to open the windows. There were railings on the window to make sure that no one fell from through the window.

Just like a lizard, Alexa grabbed hold of the railings and started climbing up. When she nearly reached the top, she stopped.

"Put the curtain over me," Alexa instructed her father. Justin put the curtain over Alexa, and you couldn't even notice that she was there. It was dark outside so you couldn't see her silhouette either.

"See? I should be the one hanging like a monkey. Leia can join me. Do you mind being a monkey?" Alexa asked, directing the last question to Leia.

"I can do that as well," Xander said again drew the curtains to a side once again.

"No, you can't. You are too fat. We both will fall down," Alexa shouted. She seemed to be perfectly comfortable just hanging from the railing. How she would spend an hour or so like that, Maddy had no idea.

Xander scowled and tugged at Alexa's leg, trying to pull her down. "I am not fat."

"Both of you stop. We have five minutes left. We need to hurry up. Leia will climb up there," Justin ordered.

Everyone hurried about. Mack got a ladder out of somewhere and helped Maddy and Diana climb up to reach the trap door. The trap door was left open, but Maddy and Diana would have to close it when the rogues came. Just like the previous time, the trapdoor-room was empty. No clues or leads. Whoever this boss was, he was clever and sly. He had absolutely no slip ups.

Leia followed Alexa and climbed up the railing and the two of them just hung from there, much to Xander's disappointment as he wanted to listen to the conversation.

Mack remained in the room while the others spread out hiding near the entrance of the building so that they could inconspicuously take down some rogues if there were many coming to meet Mack.

Everyone remained silent as they waited for the rogues to come when suddenly Alexa spoke up. "Anyone else getting chills from the amount of girl power in the room or is it just me?"

"Keep quiet, Alexa," Diana shouted.

Maddy chuckled. You could always rely on Alexa to lighten up the moment.

Five minutes later, Diana abruptly got up and started pulling the cover of the trap door. Maddy got up and helped her. The rogues must have arrived. The door was heavy but Maddy and Diana managed to close it without making too much of sound.

There were a series of footsteps. It sounded like a huge group which worried Maddy. Maddy waited with baited breath as the footsteps came to a stop. She couldn't see what was going on so the sounds in the room were only indications as to what was going on in the room.

"Sorry for being late. One of the rogues was causing trouble," a girl spoke and Maddy slapped her hand over her mouth with shock. She recognized that voice!

"That's tooth-necklace lady!" Maddy whisper-screamed to Diana.

"Tooth-necklace lady?" Diana asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Maddy corrected herself. "Elvira. That is Elvira." She had to stop calling tooth-necklace lady by the name tooth-necklace lady.

"The one who locked you and Xander up?"

Maddy nodded. Diana was about to say something but stopped because tooth-necklace lady started speaking at that time. Both of them quietly listened in on the conversation.

"We will have to shift some of the rogues here. There are fights breaking out in the other safehouse," she said.

"Do you need my help?"

"Boss asked me to put you in charge of their rehabilitation. I have brought the first half of the rogues here. The second half will be coming day after tomorrow."

Mack cleared his throat. "Actually, I needed to speak to the boss about something. Is there any way I could talk to him in private?"

"Whatever you want to tell him, you can tell me. I will let him know."

"Private. I want a private audience with him."

Tooth-necklace lady didn't answer him. There was a second of silence before she spoke, "Someone has been in this room recently. Someone who isn't rogue."

Maddy froze. "The bleach," Maddy whispered to Diana with wide eyes. "We forgot to put the bleach." 


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