Chapter 25

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Maddy woke up early in the morning and hurriedly got dressed

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Maddy woke up early in the morning and hurriedly got dressed. The day had finally arrived for them to scout the safehouses and see if they could find any clues. They would finally get the chance to discover who the boss was.

For the last two days, Nadine made Maddy workout more than she had ever done in her entire lifetime. Maddy wasn't talking about some five pushups or anything. Oh no, she was talking about some military style training. Maddy did deadlift, crunches, and other exercises that Maddy couldn't even name. Nadine made Maddy work so hard that Maddy could no longer feel her limbs.

On the brighter side, Maddy felt twice as confident. She didn't have to depend on her dagger all the time. Sure, she wasn't even close to defeating an average werewolf without her dagger but she could definitely take on a rogue with her dagger.

Maddy was already ready by the time there was a knock on her door. The moment Maddy opened the door, Leia barged in.

"Are you excited?" Leia asked.

"All of you are bad influence. Look at me. A month or two ago you were the one who was dragging me to the safehouse and now, I am volunteering to go there."

"A little danger never hurt anybody," Leia said as she shrugged.

Maddy narrowed her eyes and stared at Leia. "A little danger is the very thing that gets you killed."

Leia pouted at Maddy's statement and then got up. "I have good news. The Werewolf Council has agreed to allow you to join our pack."

"Seriously?" Maddy said happily.

The Werewolf Council had denied their previous to requests to allow Maddy to join the pack. It was understandable since Maddy would be one of the first humans to join the pack. Werewolves liked to stick to themselves so few humans knew about werewolves let alone joined the pack which was why no one knew exactly what would happen when a human joined the pack. There was a certain ritual to go through. There had been previous occurrences of humans joining the pack but that was a long time ago. No one knew what exactly would happen, but that was a risk Maddy was willing to take.

"The fact that you are a quarter werewolf helped. Many other packs vouched for you since you helped them back in India. The Council agreed but you will be monitored for the first year to see if there any sudden changes."

"I am ready to do anything. Can you imagine being part of a werewolf pack?"

"Believe it or not, I actually can," Leia muttered dryly.

"Shut up and stop ruining my moment," Maddy said with scowl.

Half an hour later, all the werewolves who would be going to the three safehouses gathered in front of the club house. They were standing in three groups according to the safehouses they were raiding.

Maddy and Leia were walking towards Xander when Maddy halted to a stop. Standing beside Xander was Katie.

"What is she doing here?" Maddy asked Xander without bothering to hide her disdain.

Xander smiled apologetically. "Every team has six members. Since Katie is the Delta, she is going to accompany us."

"Margaret," Katie said with a cool nod.

"Kaitlyn," Maddy replied with a sugary smile. If Katie wanted to mispronounce her name, Maddy would do the same. She wasn't above doing petty things.

"This is going to be interesting," Leia muttered as she smiled amusedly.

After everyone had gathered, Justin started giving instructions.

"Okay, everyone gather up. As you know, today we will be scouting the safehouses of the rogues for clues. I want everyone to give their 110% and nothing less. Keep your eyes and ears open for any clues. Anything could be helpful. Every team will be given a piece of paper with a faerie spell. You are expected to recite the spell so that all spells on that safehouse get nullified. Only after that will you investigate the safehouse. However, if you think that you are outnumbered, I want you to come back. I don't want a single person to be hurt. We will be communicating through the pack bond.

Now, when you reach there, I want you to divide into groups of three. I'll be assigning the groups beforehand according to who I think will be able to work best together. That way we will be able to cover more area. Has everyone understood?"

There was a chorus of 'yes' and then everyone started talking among themselves. Two minutes later, Justin came up to their group.

"Xander, Madison, and Katie will be in one team, and Jeremy, Alexa, and Leia will be in the other team."

"Wait—" Maddy started, but the Alpha had already moved on to the next team. How on Earth did Justin think that she and Katie would be able to work together? They could hardly stand each other.

"You both do work well together," Xander commented with amusement.

Immediately, both Katie and Maddy glared at Xander.

"We don't. I do all the working while the human just sits and watches," Katie said with a haughty tone.

"Excuse me, Kaitlyn. If I recall correctly, I was the one who successfully picked the locked to Xander's room. You wanted to break the door open which was a ridiculous idea and would have gotten us into more trouble."

"Well, Margaret, I was the one who was able to get the password to the door and if I hadn't grabbed you in time and sprayed bleach on you, you would have been caught without doubt."

"See? You both gave ideas and worked together. Yay! Now can we stop fighting?" Xander asked desperately.

"No!" the two of them answered.

"It is a pity that Xander gets to be the one who watches the drama," Alexa said in a sorrowful tone.

"Don't encourage them," Jeremy chided her although he too was grinning.

Soon, it was time for them to leave. They were given one car to drive to the safehouse. Since Maddy was the only one who knew the directions, she got to sit in the shotgun. It was then that the problem arose. Jeremy was about to get into the driver's seat when Alexa protested.

"I want to drive the car!"

"Hell no!" practically everyone shouted. It wasn't a secret that Alexa was a terrible driver. Xander shoved Alexa into the car and soon the six of them set off. 


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