Chapter 42

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The two of them ran to the first floor and into the computer room

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The two of them ran to the first floor and into the computer room. Alexa shifted inside to sniff for any sort of magic. Everything seemed to be normal, exactly the way that it had been.

"I don't think anyone has entered this room since we left," Alexa said once she shifted back. "I can't pick up on any unusual scents here."

"If no one has entered before, then they must have come here before, but then the scanners and everything were working," Maddy said with exasperation. They were back to the start. If no one entered, then how was it possible that the scanners weren't working?

For the next fifteen minutes, Maddy and Alexa recalled their exact movements inside the building.

"There is something that has been nagging me for some time. I just can't remember what it is," Maddy told Alexa. "Do you think the said accomplice could have reprogrammed the scanner and voice recognition software?"

"They would have had to do it before we entered but then if they did do that, Bruce would have noticed that something was wrong," Alexa said as she grit her teeth. She looked to be a minute away from pulling her air out. Clearly, patience wasn't one of her stronger suits.

"That's it," Maddy whispered as she tried to piece everything together. "Bruce. Bruce is the accomplice."


Maddy ran her hand through her face. "Bruce has been the boss all along. He was in front of us the entire time," she said, with awe. Even though he was on the wrong side, there was no denying that his strategy was amazing.

"Don't you see?" Maddy asked Alexa when she did not reply. "In the battle against the rogues, which pack did not participate? The Megaclite Pack. Bruce said there was some pack emergency but did anyone check and verify if that was true? No. Bruce was allowed inside the Amalthea Pack headquarters during the full moon because Sophia is Xander's mate. It would have been easy for him to let in some rogues."

As Maddy was speaking out loud, the picture started becoming clearer. "Now all of a sudden, the rogues supposedly attacked Megaclite Pack. We all agreed that something wasn't adding up. That is because there hasn't been any attack. It was just a cover to come here and get tooth-necklace lady out. He was the one who was touching the cell door when the fog thing appeared. He must have been the one who cast the spell."

Maddy paused for a minute to catch her breath. She had been speaking extremely fast as she was afraid that she would lose her trail of thought if she paused for even a second.

Alexa seemed to have gotten Maddy's point for continued from where Maddy left off. "Bruce was the one who suggested we go and track Elvira's phone and since he is the only one who knew coding well, he easily reprogrammed all our devices and no one noticed."

"Holy crap!" Maddy said with a small laugh. "This is some serious Sherlock Holmes level shit. I mean can you believe that we just cracked that?"

Alexa got up and helped Maddy up. "Come one, we have to tell the others."

Maddy followed Alexa mutedly. She was still reeling from the shock. Villain or not, Bruce was definitely a genius. It was a pity that Bruce was the villain. Maddy had genuinely liked him.

Once they stumbled outside, they rushed straight to Alexa's house. This time, Justin was inside his house. Alexa ran inside and practically slammed into him.

"Dad," she gasped out. "Where is Bruce?"

Justin frowned. "He left about fifteen minutes ago. He had come to interrogate Elvira's and he finished his work. Now that Elvira is on the loose, he had to go back to protect his pack."

Maddy groaned. "He left?"

Maddy could now see a pattern in Bruce's excuses. Every time he had to do something, he would give the excuse of being an Alpha.

"Yeah, in his car," Justin said as he looked weirdly at Alexa and Maddy. "What is up with you two?"

Maddy and Alexa filled the Alpha in as quickly as possible. After they finished their statement, they expected the Alpha to go after Bruce but instead, the Alpha chuckled.

"You, girls," the Alpha said as he shook his head. "I can assure you that Bruce isn't the boss."

"You are saying that because he is you friend," Alexa said. "But these are way too many coincidences."

"There are also many unanswered questions. How did he manage to hide a daughter for so long? Who is the mother? And as far as I know, Bruce never had any connection to rogues, and even if he did, he could have just appealed to the council. They would have definitely listened to him as he is an Alpha."

Maddy frowned. She was sure that Bruce was, in fact, the boss. She was also sure that there were answer to each of the questions. Bruce could definitely hide a daughter. It wasn't as though he was the one who became pregnant.

Maddy didn't push the Alpha. If someone came up to her and told her that 'Leia, your best friend is a murderer who is planning to kill your son. Oh, and Leia also has a secret daughter,' Maddy would also need some time to process all that. She too would be in denial for some time.

"Bruce may not be the boss but he is still a suspect. We can't cross him of the list yet," Maddy said.

Justin looked uncomfortable but he didn't disagree with Maddy. "We won't cross him off the list yet, but I can personally assure you that he wouldn't do something like this."

Alexa looked confused at Maddy's sudden change but she played along. Now all they had to do was catch Bruce red-handed. Only that would convince Justin that Bruce was, in fact, the boss.

A/N: It was Bruce all along!!!! Did you expect that?

A/N: It was Bruce all along!!!! Did you expect that?

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