Chapter 30

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In half an hour, all the preparations were done

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In half an hour, all the preparations were done. The rogue was tightly tied to a chair using a rope and bars to the cell were opened. The rogue tried to escape two or three times but he wasn't very successful. He finally learned that he couldn't escape and then he sat back relaxedly.

"You can't make me talk. Whatever you do will feel like a cakewalk as compared to what the boss will do to me when he finds out that I gave away information," the rogue informed Maddy loudly when she sat down on the chair in front of him to ask him questions.

Maddy smiled, undeterred by the rogue's comment. This would work. "You can either give us the information or we have to do it the hard way. Trust me, you don't want Leia to deal with you."

The rogue growled and tried to shift, but he couldn't because of the rope that was cutting into him. He had been doing the same thing ever since Maddy started interrogating him, which was an hour ago. After every fifteen minutes, Maddy took a break for two minutes. Finally, Maddy decided to go along with her plan.

She turned back towards Leia who was leaning against the wall and nodded once. Leia pushed herself away from the wall and went to a table nearby. The table contained the most important part of Maddy's plan. On the top of the table, there were two containers. Both of them contained two different transparent-ish liquids, one of them a little murkier than the other. There was a syringe beside the two containers.

Leia took the syringe and started filling it with the murkier liquid. She fumbled a little with the syringe and also nearly injected herself once but luckily her back was to the rogue so he didn't see her fumbling. Maddy actually thought that it was a very good try considering the fact that she had learned how to use the syringe ten minutes ago from a YouTube video which was so blurry that Maddy could barely make out the syringe.

The rogue didn't see what was happening so he barely had any time to react when Leia suddenly turned, hurriedly walked over to him and injected the liquid into him. However, when he did realize what was going on, he jumped and tried to push Leia away but the job was already done.

"What have you injected into me?" the rogue asked as he tried to free himself of his binds.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Leia remarked as she moved away from the rogue and took the other container from the table and walked away.

"Tell me," the rogue growled.

"That liquid is called Adenosine Triphosphate," Maddy said as she cringed at the name she came up with. She wanted to give the liquid a complex name and her mind immediately went to that word. Maddy kept her serious face on, hoping that Biology wasn't the rogue's strong subject. If the rogue did know that ATP wasn't in fact a liquid but a component of the cell, Maddy's plan wouldn't work.

Luckily, the rogue didn't seem to see through Maddy's plan. "I don't care about the name! What will it do to me?"

"It's simple. The liquid will start making you more human. In a few minutes, you will start feeling sleepy. Within an hour, you will have difficulty in shifting and within a day you will be completely human."

The rogue's eyes widened and he shook his head as though he was trying to shake that thought off.

Maddy had been right. What could possibly scarier to a werewolf than to kill one half of them and expect them to continue living as though nothing happened? That was extremely cruel. It would hurt a lot. Even more than it hurt Maddy to know that she wouldn't be able to shift. She had never experienced shifting so the pain was a little less. To snatch the joy of shifting from a werewolf when they knew exactly how it felt would be cruel.

"It isn't possible. You can't kill my wolf," the rogue muttered as though he was talking to himself.

"What do you think happened to me?" Maddy asked, purposely adding some bitterness in her voice. "How do you think I can touch silver? Do you know how long it has been since I last shifted?"

The rogue started to vibrate his leg up and down with nervousness. He seemed to be thinking it through. Maddy felt bad for him. He looked so scared and so lost as though he didn't know what to do without his wolf.

Maddy leaned forward and started speaking softly. "However, there is antidote and I am willing to give it to you if you agree to answer to some of our questions. You will be under the protection of the Amalthea Pack so the boss won't be able to hurt you."

The rogue seemed unsure so Maddy continued speaking, "You just need to answer a few questions. We won't tell the boss who gave us the information."

Maddy then stood up from her chair. "I'll give you some time to think."

She left, and the moment she was out of the cell, the bars closed once again, trapping the rogue inside.

"How did it go?" Leia asked Maddy.

Maddy shrugged. "As well as it could possibly go. He didn't seem completely against the idea. I gave him some time to think over it."

"From where on Earth did you get such a liquid that kills your wolf?" Jeremy asked with a horrified expression as he gingerly held the syringe at an arm's length. The syringe still had a little bit of the liquid in it and all the werewolves near Maddy were staring at it with distaste. "Leia nearly injected herself once! This is extremely dangerous."

"Didn't Leia tell you?"

"Don't you guys know? A magician never reveals her secrets," Leis said.

"Where does this come from? It should be banned," Xander demanded.

"There is no such liquid that reduces a werewolf to a human," Maddy said, her grin widening on seeing the shocked and confused expressions on the werewolves. "That liquid is just plain old water mixed with a very slight dosage of sleeping pill to make you feel drowsy." 


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