Chapter 53

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"Hold up

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"Hold up. You are telling me that faeries are real?" Noah asked with astonishment.

Maddy just explained about how she stumbled into the world of faeries and how she thought that the faeries were working with Bruce. Noah was still reeling from the shock of knowing that faeries were real. Not that Maddy blamed him.

"I thought faeries were cute Barbie-looking tiny creatures. Since when did they start attacking you in the middle of the night?"

Maddy laughed. She was grateful for Noah's sense of humor. She was panicking inside. She couldn't tell the others either. They needed to pay their full attention to Diana. Especially the Alpha. After a few days she could slowly break the news to them, but by then Bruce might have another surprise in store for them which meant that for at least the next few days she had to do it alone.

Maddy bid Noah bye and went over to her house. Inside, she sat on her bed and thought about what to do next. She mulled over the thought that there might be another spy in the Amalthea Pack. Tatiana had disguised herself as Noah a day before which meant that she knew that there was going to be some sort of trap, and there was no way Tatiana or Bruce could have known that there was a trap placed without being notified by someone in the inside.

At that moment, someone knocked on Maddy's door. Confused, Maddy went to open the door. Who was knocking at her door? People usually just barged in. Maddy opened the door and saw the matefinder standing there.

"What are you doing here?' Maddy asked as she gaped at the matefinder.

"I meet you after such a long time and all I get is a 'what are you doing here?'"

The matefinder strode inside and made herself comfortable. Maddy stood there just wondering what she was up to now. "If you are just going to show up at random times, why do others have to the blood sacrifice ritual to call you?"

"The blood sacrifice makes things more dramatic. Just the way I like it. Also, it prevents people from calling me for the most useless things. One werewolf once called me to ask about which dress to wear for her date."

"Wait someone actually did that?" Maddy asked with a laugh.


Maddy sat down on her bed beside the matefinder. "So, what have you come to tell me today?"

"I was the one who warned Bruce about the trap."

Maddy jumped up. "What?" she asked furiously.

"You heard me right," the matefinder said nonchalantly.

"How could you do that? We did so much of preparations only for you to reveal the plan to the enemy? Whose side are you on?" Maddy didn't realize when her voice raised but at some point, she started shouting.

The matefinder's eyes softened. "I am on no one's side. As I said before I do what I am supposed to do. The future is the most important thing."

Maddy took a step back from the matefinder. "It is because of you that Diana is in a coma, possibly fighting for her life. If you hadn't told Bruce about our plan, maybe Diana would have still been up and moving."

Whatever softness had been present in the matefinder's eyes vanished in a flash. She stood up fiercely and glowered at Maddy. She was a head taller than Maddy so she towered over Maddy but Maddy refused to back up. If it wasn't for the matefinder, tings would have gone so much different.

"You think I don't want to change the futures at times?" The matefinder asked softly, and somehow, she sounded more frightening when she was speaking softly then when she shouted.

"I know exactly when everyone I ever care about is going to die. The exact time, the exact way, and there is nothing I can do about it. You think your life is hard? News flash, it isn't. I have watched countless innocent people die and even though I could have helped them but at the same time, I was helpless. And you know why? Because if you mess with time and time will find a way to mess with you. You change one small thing and then everything will be different and it won't be a nice different."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know," Maddy said softly. She couldn't imagine what that would feel like. Knowing exactly when everyone would die? That sounded scary.

"It's fine," the matefinder said, the anger leaving her eyes which relieved Maddy. The matefinder could be terrifying when she wanted to be.

"So, what should I do next?" Maddy asked.

"That is up to you, but remember, this is not your fight alone. You might need the help of the others so make sure to include everyone."

Maddy frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You have a tendency of wanting to work alone. Like the time when you decided to bust into Krithika's laboratory all alone with no backup plan. That worked out the last time but it might not work the next time. Two heads are always better than one." With that cryptic message, the matefinder left.

Maddy sighed and changed into her pajamas. It was ten in the night and Maddy was starting to feel sleepy. It had been a tiring and extremely eventful day but one thing was sure. Bruce wasn't going to agree to negotiate but that didn't matter anymore. If Bruce wanted a fight, Maddy was going to give it to him. 

~The End~

A/N: This is the end of the third book! There is one last book to go. I know that four books in a series is an odd number, it is always three books or five books but my plot was too long too fit in three book and too short to fit in five books. Anyway, the fourth book will be out in the month of October. Mostly. I'm still writing it and I have no idea when exactly I'll be able to publish it. I'll be adding another chapter to this book when I do decide so make sure to add this book to your library so that you get notified.

Also, I'd like your feedback on this book so that I can improve. I created a google form to get your feedback. The form will be anonymous. The link is in the inline comment 

 The link is in the inline comment ⮕

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