Chapter 51

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There was silence for one whole minute

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There was silence for one whole minute. Maddy had spent barely two to three months with werewolves and yet she too knew how important mates were. Werewolves were literally ready to sacrifice themselves for someone they've never met. The bond was so strong that it could bring back a person from the dead. Maddy had seen it happen before her own eyes.

It was a known fact that Bruce never met his mate. The matefinder never told him about his mate either. It had been surprising but not unusual.

Now everything made so much of sense. Why the Bruce was ready to kill all the werewolves for this one close person, how he had a daughter no one knew about. Not that it was right, but it made some sense.

"Mate?" Justin asked faintly. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open with shock. "When did that happen?"

"Our Alpha was the one who gave the order to kill her. Now you tell me, should I be mad or not?"

"I'm so sorry," Diana whispered as she made her way to give a hug to Bruce. "We had no idea."

Bruce moved away from Diana. "I don't need you hugs or pity."

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have stopped it together. You know, I would have helped you regardless of the fact your mate was a rogue," Justin said as he asked Diana to move away from Bruce. Even though everyone was feeling bad for Bruce, he was still the enemy here. "Stop this and we'll help you. We'll make sure that the rogues get the rights that they deserve. I won't even tell the others that you were the boss. Just stop this. Let us help you," Justin said as he practically pleaded Bruce.

Bruce shook his head. "You won't be able to help me but you'll be able to understand my pain one day."

Just as he finished his sentence, a bright light exploded from outside. It was so bright that Maddy was blinded momentarily. When Maddy opened her eyes, she saw that Bruce's hands were fogging up.

"He's doing magic!" Maddy shouted.

Justin immediately reacted. He dived towards Diana. She was the closest to Bruce and the nearest target but he was too late. Before Justin could reach Diana, Bruce got to her. He wrapped his hand around Diana's wrist and Diana instantly crumpled to the ground. Bruce then shifted to his wolf and ran straight through where the prison wall was supposed to be without any trouble.

Everything happened so suddenly that no one had any time to process what happened. Everyone rushed towards Diana. She lay on the ground in an uncomfortable position. Justin fell to his knees as he quickly checked her pulse with trembling hands.

"Tell the pack doctor to clear a bed," Justin barked as he picked up Diana from the ground. He then dashed towards the direction where the pack hospital was. Nadine rushed after the Alpha.

Everyone was shaken up. Xander, Alexa, and Jeremy were as pale as sheet. The Beta went up to Xander and Alexa. "I think you should stay at your house for some time while your father takes care of all this. You too, Jeremy," he said quietly. "Come on."

The Beta led the three of them to the house. Maddy and Leia followed them. Once the Beta left, Alexa excused herself. "I want to be alone," she mumbled and ran to her room and locked the door. Maddy knocked on her room to see if Alexa wanted to talk to Maddy but when she didn't open the door, Maddy left her alone. If Alexa needed space, Maddy would respect that. Maddy too liked to be alone when she cried. Other people seeing her cry just made her uncomfortable.

Maddy went to check up on Xander. She was sure that Leia was talking to Jeremy. Since Jeremy had lost his parents when he was young, Diana was probably the closest thing he had to a mother.

Maddy went to the living room to see Xander lying on the couch, staring at ceiling. Maddy walked to the couch. On seeing her, Xander got up and moved to one side of the couch. "Hey," he said quietly.

Maddy didn't say anything. She just pulled him into a hug. Xander froze for a second before hugging Maddy back. "I'm sorry," Maddy muttered.

When Maddy pulled back, she saw that Xander's eyes were welled with tears. Xander quickly wiped his tears and ran his hand through his hair.

"Your mom will be fine," Maddy said as she reassured him.

"You don't know that."

"Bruce didn't want to hurt her. He could have killed her but he didn't. He still considers her as his best friend's mate. I am sure that he did minimal damage, just enough for a distraction to give him a chance to escape."

Maddy spent some time with Xander. Soon, Alexa unlocked her door and came out. She looked perfectly normal. She didn't look even a tad bit shaken up. Maddy was about to ask her if she was fine when she started speaking. "We should go to the pack hospital."

When Jeremy and Leia who had gone out for a walk returned, the five of them walked set out to the pack hospital. When they reached there, Maddy saw that the place was crowded with pack members. The news about the Luna being hospitalized must have spread. When the crowd saw that Xander and Alexa were approaching, they quietly let them enter the hospital.

When Justin saw them approaching, he walked towards them. "You should stay in your houses," he said in a tired voice. "I'll let you know when Diana's situation gets better."

"How is she now? Can we see her?" Alexa asked.

"You can't see her now but she is doing better. The pack doctors have been able to stabilize her."

"What did Bruce to her?"

Justin sighed and shifted in his feet. "He put her in a coma." 


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Tracking the Wolves (Madison Joshi and the Wolves series- Book 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora