Chapter 37

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Now that there was no imminent danger

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Now that there was no imminent danger. Maddy sat down, taking in deep breaths.

"I thought I told you not to hurt the rogues," Mack snapped at them when he saw the unconscious bodies. He had been hiding in the trapdoor while the fight was going on because he didn't want to fight any rogues and didn't want to let the boss know that he had switched sides.

"Those rogues tried to kill us even after we told them that we didn't want to fight," Diana snapped back. "Be glad that we just knocked them out."

"Yeah, that one has been behind me for months," Maddy said as she pointed to tooth-necklace lady. "She literally had no other job other than trying to kidnap me. It's really irritating."

Mack froze. "You're the girl that the boss wants."

Maddy shifted uncomfortably. "Don't say it like that. You make it sound like the boss is some kind of sexual predator who locks girls up in his basement."

"He did want to lock you up in a basement but then later decided that he wanted to kill you."

"Why is he after Maddy?" Alexa asked.

"The matefinder told boss that either she or the Alpha's son would kill him."

Maddy groaned. "It's a prophecy. I hate prophecies. They always bring bad luck. In Harry Potter, Harry had to die to kill Voldemort. I don't want to die!"

Judging by Mack's expression, Maddy guessed that Mack hadn't read Harry Potter. She would have to recommend it to Mack later but right now, they had more important things to discuss.

"Why hasn't he killed me yet? He had plenty of chances to do it."

"At first, he wanted to just kidnap you and lock you up but after you escaped, he changed his plan. Now his plan is to kidnap you first. The Alpha's son will come along to save you. Then he will kill you both."

"Ah," Alexa said as she nodded along. "Simple but effective. Xander's ego will be the downfall of everyone. I always knew it. Instead—"

One look from Diana and Alexa closed her mouth. Meanwhile, Maddy thought about what Mack said. How did the boss know that Xander would come for sure to save her? And more importantly, why did the boss think that she needed Xander to save her? In fact, Maddy had been the one to save Xander's ass. It was unfair how sexist some people were.

At that moment, Xander came rushing in. "I've come to help." He almost fell down because he tripped over one of the unconscious bodies. "Oh, I see that you've got it covered," Xander said as he surveyed the room.

"I told you! Xander's ego will be his downfall," Alexa said triumphantly.

Xander looked perplexed while the others just sighed. It was usual to see the twins continuously fighting, the most common topic being 'who is the better twin.'

Soon, Justin, Jeremy, and the Beta too came inside. They had managed to knock out a fair share of rogues themselves. The main problem was the fact that they no longer had any way of contacting the boss.

Tooth-necklace lady was one of the only rogues who had woken up, but Maddy had anticipated that so she made sure to lock her up in a cupboard. Maddy would have preferred to tie her up and then lock her in the cupboard, but she couldn't find and rope so that would have to do.

"You could ask Elvira, but I doubt she will tell you anything about the boss," Mack said.

"Why would she know about the boss?" the Beta asked.

"You don't know?" Mack asked with a laugh. "Oh god! You guys are completely in the dark."

"What do we not know?"

"Elvira is the boss' daughter. She is his right-hand man, or woman, in this case. She does all his dirty work." Mack stopped talking and let the words sink in.

Daughter. Tooth-necklace lady was the boss' daughter. Maddy tried to wrap her mind around that fact. No wonder she was that crazy. Would the boss be as crazy as tooth-necklace lady? Or would he be even crazier?

As though she had heard her name being called, a loud crash came from the corner of the room where tooth-necklace lady had been locked up. Tooth-necklace lady had used so much of force on the cupboard that it tilted forward. Justin rushed to the cupboard and pushed it back. At the rate, tooth-necklace lady was pushing, it wouldn't be long before the cupboard broke. Wood could hold back a crazy werewolf for only so long.

"I think we should take Elvira with us and let the other rogues go. If they let the boss know that his daughter is taken, the boss might come to get her. Meanwhile, we can interrogate her and try to find out more about the boss," Diana said as she glanced at the cupboard as though she was afraid that it would break open.

There was literally nothing else they could do. Tooth-necklace lady wouldn't willingly give away information so the only option left was to hope that the boss loved his daughter enough to come rescue her.

"Listen up," Justin said to the rogues. "Go to your boss and tell him that we've got his daughter. We were able to intercept her call and catch her. If he wants her back, he should come to the Amalthea Pack headquarters. I just want to talk. We have a disagreement, and killing half the population of werewolves is not the right thing to do."

When Justin put it like that, he sounded like the villain. Without perspective, that sentence sounded very wrong.

Getting tooth-necklace lady inside the car was by far one of the most chaotic things Maddy had ever seen. It was like trying to get a monkey inside a car. Justin, the Beta, and Mack hauled her into the car. Since there was no rope, they had to grab her hands and legs to prevent her from kicking them. At one point, the Beta looked away for literally one second, and the next thing Maddy knew, tooth-necklace lady had bitten the Beta's arm. She was in human form so it hadn't hurt much, but it had caused enough chaos to let her slip.

They had to catch her and put her inside the trunk of the car because everyone was afraid to sit next to her in the back seat. Finally, when all the drama was done, they set off towards the Amalthea Pack headquarters. 

A/N: Did you expect Elvira/ tooth-necklace lady to be the boss' daughter?

A/N: Did you expect Elvira/ tooth-necklace lady to be the boss' daughter?

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