Chapter 39

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For the next three days, everyone waited with baited breath for the boss but nothing happened

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For the next three days, everyone waited with baited breath for the boss but nothing happened. The only eventful thing that happened was that Nadine had stepped up on the training and Maddy was now learning cool moves that made her look like a total badass. Other than that, the last three days had been boring with a capital 'B'.

The jail-building was under constant surveillance. Everyone seemed to be anxious while tooth-necklace lady seemed eerily calm. She didn't even seem remotely worried about whether she was going to be let out or not. She was completely indifferent about it which concerned Maddy. If tooth-necklace lady was unconcerned, it meant that she was confident that she would be fine even though the place was crawling with security.

It was on the third day that something eventful happened. It was mid-afternoon. Everyone was busy eating their lunch in the cafeteria when one of the werewolves guarding the borders came rushing inside. "The Alpha of the Megaclite Pack is arriving in two minutes. The Megaclite Pack has been attacked. Everyone is expected to remain alert in case we are attacked. Alpha's orders."

The moment the guard finished speaking, he ran outside, probably to warn the others, leaving the cafeteria in confusion.

"Megaclite Pack got attacked? Why would the rogues attack Megaclite Pack?" Jeremy asked frowning.

"The boss probably realized that his daughter was missing and decided to check which pack had his daughter."

"But then if Maddy's theory is correct, the boss should be part of Megaclite Pack, right? Then he would have known if tooth-necklace lady was captured by his pack."

Maddy groaned and leaned in her chair. "Every time we think we know something, the boss manages to prove us wrong and confuse all of us. It's becoming frustrating."

"Something doesn't add up here," Jeremy said with a frown. "Till now, Megaclite Pack hasn't been on the boss' radar. It has always been our pack and Leia's pack. Why would he switch it up all of a sudden? Unless he has an ulterior motive, I don't see a reason."

There was no point in dwelling on the possibilities. The boss was good, an extremely good villain. He kept switching through strategies and doing the unexpected. That way the werewolves couldn't prepare themselves for any of the attacks. The only thing that remained constant was the fact that he wanted to kill Maddy, and after that, kill Xander. Other than that, they didn't know much about the boss.

Half an hour later, the five of them were sitting on the sofa of Xander and Alexa's house. Bruce had arrived and he looked pretty shaken up.

"The rogues came out of nowhere and attacked. My pack wasn't prepared for it. We had about twenty-five causalities," Bruce's voice shook as he spoke. "The rogues managed to get away. I heard that you caught this boss' daughter. I wanted to know how close are you to catching the boss. When you do catch him, I want to have a... talk with him."

Maddy frowned. "How did you know that we captured the boss' daughter?"

"The rogues were searching for her which was why they came to attack my pack. I assumed that you've got her."

Justin sighed. "We've got Elvira, but the boss has showed no signs of coming to rescue her. We were expecting him send some rogues first. When the rogues aren't able to get Elvira out, he would have come to rescue her but the boss hasn't sent even a single person. We don't know what to do."

"Have you tried to interrogate Elvira? She would know about her father's whereabouts."

"Her mouth is sealed shut. We tried everything. Even threatening to kill her wolf. Nothing worked."

"Kill her wolf?"

"Long story. It is basically an interrogation technique that Maddy found out that works marvelously."

"To be fair, it was from a show so I can't get all the credit," Maddy said.

"I want to have a go at interrogating Elvira. I'm sure there must be something that will make her speak. If we don't end all this soon, the boss might make his final move and end us all," Bruce said.

Justin smiled. "Sure, but don't be disappointed if she doesn't speak."

Everyone stood up to go to the jail-building. Everyone except Xander that is. When Maddy turned towards Xander, she saw that he had his eyes closed and his head tilted back. Most of the conversation was between Justin and Bruce which was probably why Xander fell asleep.

"Unbelievable," Maddy muttered as she stepped forward to wake up Xander when Alexa stooped her. Alexa had the evil glint in her eye and Maddy immediately knew that she was going to do something to annoy Xander. Judging by everyone else's expressions, they too guessed something similar.

Alexa grinned as she walked up to Xander and then she suddenly started tickling Xander. Xander's eyes flew upon and he shifted all of a sudden and sprang on top of Alexa. Alexa fell backwards as Xander growled at her. He then shifted back. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Alexa just got up and grinned. Any normal person would have severely hurt her head but the same rules didn't apply to werewolves. Alexa seemed least bothered about the fact that Xander practically attacked her. Justin and Diana didn't seem to be worried either.

"Did you catch that on video?" Alexa asked Jeremy.

"I was supposed to record it?" Jeremy asked with a blank expression.

"You didn't record that? But his reaction was so priceless," Alexa said as she pouted.

Jeremy smiled and held out his phone. "Just kidding."

Xander and Alexa immediately pounced on the phone.

"That's enough," Diana said firmly as she grabbed hold of Alexa and Xander's hand and dragged them out like they were five year olds, which made sense since they were acting like five year olds.

Everyone else followed Diana outside.  


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