Chapter 11

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Maddy spent an hour intently watching the werewolves outside

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Maddy spent an hour intently watching the werewolves outside. The full moon was covered by some clouds so Maddy couldn't see properly but she could make out their silhouettes. They were howling loudly with few wolves taking the lead and the others following. When the clouds did uncover the moon, Maddy saw that there were three wolves—the three Alphas—standing in front of the pack and they were the ones taking the lead, but what really caught Maddy's attention was that one of the wolves was glowing. Like quite literally.

That wolf was emitting some sort of silver glow. Maddy hadn't noticed it when the moon was covered but the moment the moon came into view, the wolf started shining. It must be some ritual, Maddy thought.

Maddy was so invested in seeing the shiny wolf that she nearly didn't notice the wolf who was entering the clubhouse. Panicking, Maddy looked around trying to find a weapon. Maddy picked up a steel spatula and hid in the room inside the kitchen which had the staircase. If the worst were to happen, Maddy would just slip into the cafeteria.

Soon, Maddy could hear some snarls although they were at a distance. Maddy gripped the spatula harder as she heard the door of the kitchen break open. What she heard next made her freeze. She could hear several different snarls and growls. Maddy swore as she wracked her brain on what to do. She had expected one wolf to come after her if any even did, but that wasn't just one wolf. It was a group, and by the sounds they were making, it didn't look like they came to just talk.

Maddy looked at the spatula once and decided that it would be useless against the wolves. Besides, she didn't want to hurt the wolves. Thinking on her feet, Maddy quietly descended the stairs and reached the cafeteria just as the wolves reached the room where she had been a minute ago.

Maddy started running towards the door of the clubhouse. Maddy had two choices. She could either try and take down the wolves without hurting them by herself, which sounded extremely hard if not impossible or she could run outside to where the three packs were and hope that they could help her. Since she would die anyway if she tried to save herself all on her own, Maddy decided to risk it and run into the open courtyard, hoping for the best.

Maddy reached the clubhouse door and swung it open, no longer caring if she was quiet or not. The werewolves could smell her out anyway. What she needed was to be was quick. The sound of the door creaking open got the attention of the wolves. Maddy had barely run when she could hear the wolves running after her. Maddy pushed her legs faster and kept running until she found the open courtyard.

Bursting into the sea of werewolves, Maddy tried to make her way to Xander and the others. She had seen them in their wolf forms and had even guarded them as they slept before so they probably wouldn't try to tear her into shreds. Finding them would have been harder if Xander wasn't shining like a damn beacon.

Maddy noted with relief that not even one wolf had tried to make a move against her although few of them did seem very tensed. Maddy looked around and saw that the wolves who had been chasing her, stopped running just a few steps away from the three packs.

Suddenly, someone from behind her howled loudly and Maddy turned to see who it was. Xander's black wolf with the silver glow was nearly a blur as it ran towards the wolves chasing after her. The other wolves made way for him as he ran. Xander pounced on one of the seven wolves and in a second, he clawed at the wolf's throat.

"What are you doing?" Maddy shouted with horror. That wolf probably just lost control of his wolf and Xander was tearing at his throat.

Someone touched her shoulder and Maddy immediately jumped. Standing behind her was Jeremy, who was thankfully clothed.

"Stop him," Maddy frantically said to Jeremy.

Jeremy shook his head. "Those wolves are rogues. They came after you which gives us the permission to rip them apart. Jeremy steered Maddy away from the fight with her shoulder. "You don't want to see this fight. Werewolves during full moon are... gory."

Maddy mutedly followed Jeremy and sat down on a clear space that Jeremy pointed to. "So those wolves work for the boss?"

"We can't be sure but they most probably are since they came after you."

Unlike what Maddy had expected, all the other wolves were watching the fight instead of watching her. They didn't seem to mind that she had just barged into their full moon ceremony or whatever.

After a few more minutes, Xander howled loudly. He sounded proud and Maddy assumed that he had killed all the rogues. The fact that they were rogues did make her feel better. Soon, the other wolves started howling loudly in chorus. Maddy just sat there, looking around and grinning. She couldn't wait until she was part of the pack. Even though she wouldn't be able to shift and participate herself, she could watch this beautiful ceremony that happened every full moon.

Maddy stopped grinning when she heard a noise from her right. Maddy turned to find Xander's wolf staring at her.

"Uh... hi?" Maddy said as she glanced at Jeremy who was sitting beside her. He was the only werewolf who was in human form and he was busy waving to a brown wolf while smiling like a fourteen-year-old with a crush, so Maddy assumed that the brown wolf was Leia.

Xander turned his attention to Jeremy and growled low in his throat as though he was giving a warning. Jeremy's attention immediately snapped to Xander.

"Alpha," he said respectfully.

Once again, Xander growled. Jeremy froze for a second before scrambling back with wide eyes. Xander trotted forward and started sniffing and examining her. Maddy took the time to examine him back.

His black fur that usually blended in with the night, glowed softly. His eyes glowed a brighter shade of green. Somehow, he looked even better than usual although Maddy didn't how that was even possible.

Maddy stared at Xander as he circled around her and sniffed her. Finally deciding that she was a friend and not a foe, Xander leapt on top of her in what Maddy could only describe as a wolf hug.

Maddy squealed as she her back hit the ground because of Xander's weight. Xander started nuzzling her neck with his muzzle. Maddy's eyes closed for a second as she nearly drifted off to a nap. It felt like she was sitting on marshmallows or clouds. Maddy forgot all about where she was until Jeremy cleared his throat.

Maddy scrambled to a sitting position as Xander immediately got off her. Maddy's eyes widened as she cursed inside her head. She had completely forgotten where she was. The werewolves might lose control at any moment. Not to mention the fact that Xander was in the middle of completing the second stage of his bond with Sophia.

Maddy hastily brushed her jeans, trying to dust off the invisible dust as she cleared her throat. "I should be going."

Maddy didn't look back as she practically fled from the courtyard and ran to her house.  


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