Chapter 41

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Even after exiting the jail-building, Maddy couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not adding up

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Even after exiting the jail-building, Maddy couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not adding up. Why did fog appear all of a sudden? Why did the others not see it? What was the use of the fog if not to open the cell door? Even besides the fog, there was something else that had been weird Maddy wasn't able to put her finger on it and that feeling was irritating as hell. Just like when you are writing an exam and you can't remember the answer to a question that you read just a few minutes ago.

Maddy excused herself and went back to her room. She sat on her bed and concentrated on figuring out what was nagging her. She started recalling the events of that day. Bruce had finished trying to interrogate tooth-necklace lady and then he closed the cell door. It was then that the fog appeared. Even though Leia had been looking at the prison cell, she hadn't seen the fog, which didn't make sense. She was a werewolf. She should have definitely seen it even if Maddy couldn't see it. Instead, Maddy was the only one who noticed it. She had then gone and checked the cell door. It was still locked. There was no doubt about that.

Maddy concentrated on the first question in her mind. Why was the fog there? The fog had been whitish and slightly shimmery. Definitely not some ordinary fog. Maddy gasped as she realized where she had seen it before. She had seen similar fog in the magical library right before the fireplace disappeared and the door to that library appeared. She had seen it again in the Faerie Realm. The fog meant that some sort of faerie spell had been put on the cell bars.

Maddy grabbed her dagger and stumbled out of her house as she tried to place the new piece of information with all the other stuff that she knew. It fit in like a jigsaw puzzle. Tooth-necklace lay had access to the faerie spells as she stole it from the matefinder's house. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that she cast a spell on the cell bars but that lead to another question. Why would tooth-necklace lady cast the spell in front of all of them and not when she was alone? Tooth-necklace lady was too smart to make such a stupid mistake.

Maddy saw the Alpha's house and ran over there. The Alpha wasn't there but Alexa was, so Maddy dragged Alexa out. Alexa was one of the few people who could get inside the jail-building and they would have to enter to check in on the tooth-necklace lady.

"What happened?" Alexa asked as she started following Maddy.

Maddy hurriedly moved towards the jail-building as she told Alexa about what she saw and how she thought that it was a faerie spell. Soon, the two of them reached the jail-building's familiar looking door.

Alexa put her hand on the doorknob just like how Xander had done before but the next series of events didn't happen like what was expected. The two of them waited for some time but the blue laser-scanner thingy didn't scan Alexa's hand. Nothing happened. Maddy and Alexa glanced at each other with worried looks. Something had definitely gone wrong.

Alexa turned the doorknob and the door opened like a normal door. When they entered, the entire place wasn't dark. There was no voice recognition software asking for their name. The two of them ran to the elevator and when they reached the second floor, they hurriedly stepped out but skid to a stop.

Everything seemed to be in place except the fact that one cell door was wide open. Maddy rushed over to the cell. There was no trace of tooth-necklace lady which Maddy considered to be very rude. The least she could have done was leave some hanky or something so they had a clue. Maddy stepped inside the cell and looked around. Meanwhile' Alexa inspected the cell door.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Alexa said. "The door smells normal and looks normal."

"Nothing out of ordinary here either," Maddy said.

After finishing their inspection, Maddy turned to the cell to the left where the previous Beta was still sitting. "Why didn't he escape as well?"

"Maybe he and Elvira have some beef so she thought it was better to let him rot?"

Maddy shot Alexa a funny look and then turned to the Beta. "How did Elvira escape?"

"I don't know. She just ran out of here."

Maddy tapped her feet impatiently. This wasn't going anywhere. While they wasted their time, tooth-necklace lady was probably escaping.

"We need to notify the others. Tooth-necklace lady can't escape if she is alone. If the boss has indeed come to help her, we are screwed," Maddy said.

"Elvira could have just made herself invisible or something."

Maddy shook her head. "The matefinder told me that the spells that she kept in her house were small stuff and I think that making yourself invisible or teleporting yourself are pretty big stuff, but just in case, we could try talking to the matefinder."

Alexa nodded. "I'll inform dad," she said as her eyes glazed over.

After two minutes, Alexa turned to Maddy. "Dad is having everyone search for tooth-necklace lady. He gave orders to catch hold of anyone who isn't supposed to be inside pack lands. They could be rogues or the boss."

"That was smart," Maddy said. "Meanwhile, we can try figure out how tooth-necklace lady broke out. Do you think she put a spell on the electronic devices in this room?"

"I don't think so. The only way to affect the lasers and everything would be to affect the main computers and we were in the room with the computers for a long time. It couldn't have been prior to our visit or else Bruce would have notified us. If tooth-necklace lady was planning to put a spell on the computers after we left, she would have stumbled in on the computers while we were in the room. She couldn't have known that we were in the computer rooms as that was a last-minutes plan. Unless she had an accomplice," Alexa said with wide eyes. 

A/N: Who do you think the boss is? Clue: He has already been introduced in this series.

A/N: Who do you think the boss is? Clue: He has already been introduced in this series

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