Chapter 23

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Maddy and Leia ended up walking around the open courtyard in the pack headquarters

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Maddy and Leia ended up walking around the open courtyard in the pack headquarters. The two of the walked aimlessly around the courtyard as they talked. It was a habit of theirs. They usually went on long walks when Leia wanted to have some 'best friend time.'

"So, when are you going to make your move on Xander?"

Maddy was so shocked with Leia's question that she tripped over her own legs and fell down on the ground. Groaning, she got up. Maddy knew that Leia's end goal was probably going to be to ask Maddy about Xander but she had expected Leia to beat around the bush for some time and then finally spring the main question on Maddy. Instead, Leia had directly asked the question. "Why would I make a move on Xander?

"Sophia was the one who ran away so she technically rejected her bond with Xander, which means Xander is free to date anyone he likes. In other words, Xander is free to date you."

"You don't even know if Xander likes me," Maddy pointed out.

"In other words, you won't make the first move on him because you are a scaredy cat. Got it."

"Hey! That's not true."

"But it is true."

"No, it isn't. Besides, I already made the first move," Maddy blurted out. When she realized what she had said her eyes widened and she groaned. Now Leia would continuously pester her and would keep teasing her until Maddy's face was red.

"This technique works every single time. I don't know why the movies don't use it more often. If you can annoy your victim to just the right degree, you can get any sort of answers from them," Leia repeated in a high pitch voice as she tried to imitate Maddy. "Now spill."

Maddy grumbled and crossed her arms across her chest. She knew that there was no point in trying to evade the question. Leia would use any means to get answers. "We kissed. No big deal."

"You both kissed!?" Leia squealed as she grabbed hold of Maddy's hand.

Maddy had to close her ears to stop her ears from ringing. "It is just a kiss," Maddy said as she watched Leia jump up and down and clap her hands like a little girl.

"It is not just a kiss. I know you both. It was your first kiss and I'm pretty sure it was Xander's first kiss too. Do you know how special and romantic that is? Like a romance straight from the storybooks, as you would say," Leia said as she grinned at Maddy.

"So, for my question," Maddy said. "What happened to Sophia?"

"Why are you so obsessed with what happened to her?" Leia asked with a groan as her excitement disappeared.

"You don't understand. If she did really run away, then it could mean something big," Maddy said with a serious tone. "When I was kidnapped by the rogues by the beach, tooth-necklace lady called the boss. The boss had a Mexican accent. The Megaclite Pack is in Mexico so the pack members would have an accent. I had dismissed this information at that point of time but now I think that the boss might be part of the Megaclite Pack and if Sophia ran away all of a sudden without a reason, she could be the boss."

Leia's eyebrows shot up. "That is a huge accusation to make."

"Think about it. The day the Megaclite Pack was invited to this headquarters for the mating ceremony was the day the rogues were able to breach into the headquarters. They attacked me specifically when I was alone. Rogues wouldn't know that I usually stay locked up during full moons but a werewolf from the Megaclite Pack could know it and during that same night, Sophia ran away. Seems too much of a coincidence to me."

"You might be right," Leia said with wide eyes. "But I don't think it is Sophia. I t might be someone else from that pack. It also might just be a coincidence. We should wait for some time. As they say, once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Now, can we change the topic? You know, I hate talking about serious things when we could be talking about you and Xander instead."

"Why are you so obsessed with my life?"

"Because I am your best friend. I am pretty sure that being obsessed with your life was mentioned somewhere in the job description."

Maddy huffed but didn't reply.

"So, when did you both kiss? How was it did? Did it blow your mind? Who made the first move? Did it blow your mind? Did your brain melt and fall in a puddle on the ground?"

"I am pretty sure you repeated a question twice," Maddy said instead of answering Leia's question.

Leia groaned and ran her hand through her face. "That is it. I am giving up. You are officially the most annoying person in the world."

The two of them spoke for another half an hour before Maddy and Leia realized that an hour had passed since they left the meeting room. They were asked to go to the gym in an hour's time. The two of them rushed to the gym to find Xander waiting for them along with a girl who Maddy hadn't seen before.

The girl looked like the personification of strength. She was a little shorter than Xander, about Leia's height and had long black hair that she had pulled into a tight ponytail. Her eyes were seizing up Maddy with interest as though Maddy was a prey and she was the predator. Her knuckles were tinted a very light reddish pink as though she had just beaten someone up. Maddy really didn't want to know if she actually did beat someone up or not.

Maddy gulped at the sight of the girl. She wanted to crawl away and hide from that girl but she forced herself to stay still. She had fought lots of rogues for goodness' sake. One werewolf shouldn't freak her out that much.

Suddenly, the girl's face broke into a grin. That took Maddy by surprise because the girl actually didn't look that intimidating when she smiled.

The girl turned to Xander and nodded. "She will do." 


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