Subject 12

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After Ana had finished a whole pizza on her own, Natasha decided to show her to a spare room for the night, until they could set her up one properly. The pair walked down the hallway silently, arriving at a white wooden door. Natasha opened it to reveal a large space containing a king-sized bed, a desk and a TV on the wall. Ana entered, stunned at the size and luxury.

"I know it's not much, but we'll get you set up with something better later on." Nat explained.

The girl looked at her confused, "Better than this?"

Natasha chuckled at the girls shock but was saddened by the fact that she'd been treated so poorly for years, "make yourself comfortable."

"The bathroom's through this door, you have it all to yourself." Natasha pointed at the other door.

Ana ran over to the bed and jumped onto it. She nestled herself in the softness, this must be what a cloud feels like. She sat up and looked at the red-head grinning widely at her; Ana smiled back.

All of a sudden, a nauseating feeling overcame Ana. She clutched her stomach; Nat looked at her concerned. Ana made a run to the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet. Natasha ran to accompany her sister, holding her hair back while she continued to hurl her gut out.

"Hey, it's okay. You're gonna be fine." Natasha soothed, rubbing Ana's back.

Ana stopped throwing up momentarily and leaned her back against the wall. Bucky - who was walking past the door and heard the noise - entered the bathroom to see the scene in front of him.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" he asked, worried for the girl.

Natasha stood up, "Can you stay here with her while I go get Ana some clothes and a glass of water?"

Ana only just realised she was still wearing her mission suit from HYDRA, although she had lost her mask. Bucky sat down on the floor next to the girl and handed her a small towel. She smiled at him appreciatively.

The man spoke with kindness, "It was probably the pizza. You're so used to having plain meals and not a lot, so your stomach probably couldn't handle it."

Ana nodded resting her head against the wall, wiping her face of any vomit. She thought for a second, looking at Bucky.

"How did you know that the meals at the facility were basic?" she questioned.

Bucky looked down and sighed before looking back at the girl, "Well, I was a HYDRA experiment too."

Ana pointed towards his metal arm, "Did they give you that?"

He nodded, "And they made me into a super soldier. My assassin name was the Winter Soldier."

"Mine was the Ghost Widow. I got the super soldier serum too." Ana looked at the man and for a moment they understood each other's pain.

The moment was interrupted by Natasha running back into the room, a bundle of clothes tuck under one are and a glass of water in her hand. She passed the water to the girl and put the clothes on the counter. Ana took a drink, washing her mouth out before spitting it into the toilet. She flushed down her vomit and stood up slowly. Bucky left the room so Ana could get changed.

Natasha helped the girl take off her white suit, noticing a branding on her lower abdomen.

Ana noticed her eyes lingering, "That's what they called me, Subject 04

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Ana noticed her eyes lingering, "That's what they called me, Subject 04."

Natasha smiled sadly, not asking anymore questions because she knew it was a sensitive topic. She left the room, leaving the girl to put on her sweatpants and jumper. A few minutes later, Ana exited the room to see Nat sat on the bed, playing with her hands. She stood up when she saw Ana.

"I'll leave you to get some rest. If you need me my room is 6 doors down on the left." she said.

"Goodnight, Natasha."

"Goodnight, Ana."

Natasha left the room, closing the door behind her. Ana sighed and looked around, this room was nothing like she had been in before, even when she lived in Ohio the rooms weren't this big.

The girl stared at the door for a second, before deciding to leave it ajar. She was so used to being locked in a room that she liked the freedom of having the door open.

Ana pulled the covers of her bed back and turned on a lamp on the bedside table; she didn't want to be completely in the dark. She walked over to the wall to turn off the lights and made her way back into the bed. Ana laid down and sleep overcame her instantly.

Ana opened her eyes. She was back in her room at the facility. A guard barged into her room and pulled her from the floor where she was sleeping and stood her up. He turned his back to her and she got changed into a plain white t-shirt and a pair of white trousers. The soldier turned back around and placed some high-tech, power dampening cuffs on her; leading her out of the room and down the grey hallway.

Ana knew exactly where they were going - the testing room. She spent most days in this room, testing her powers and training in combat. Today she was doing knife combat. Her opponent was already in the room facing the wall. Ana was led to do the same and a mask was put on her face. It was mesh and had goggles that you could see out of but no one could see your face. When she was secured, the soldier took off her cuffs, replacing them with an ankle cuff so that she couldn't use her powers to her advantage. Ana walked into the fighting stage, waiting for her opponent.

As the small figure walked into the ring, dressed the same as Ana, she notice that the person was also wearing and ankle cuff. Did this person have powers too? Where there others like her? She had never seen any other kids in the facility except for her opponents.

"Subject 04, Subject 12, knives at the ready." A voice came over the speaker.

Ana clutched the 5 inch blade in her hand and inhaled deeply.

"READY, SET, FIGHT!" the voice shouted.

Her opponent ran towards Ana quickly and she dodged them, but sliced their side as the ran past. The person grunted and attempted to attack by stabbing Ana which only resulted in them diving towards the floor and Ana lodging her blade in their shoulder. She pulled it out and Subject 12 rolled over, stabbing Ana in the stomach. Ana stepped back slightly, allowing her competitor to get to their feet. However, Ana swept their legs and they fell to the ground, Ana slitting their throat on the descent. Subject 12 grabbed their neck desperately, and Ana watched them bleed out.

A round of applause echoed around the room. Ana put down her weapon in the middle of the ring and laid flat on her stomach with her hands behind her back so a guard could come and secure her.

The clapping continued and rattled in Ana's ears.

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