At Sunset

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Ana sat on the edge of Mount Bashenga, watching the sun slowly set over the horizon. She looked out on the vast landscape amazed that there could be this much beauty in the whole galaxy. A crash of rhinos ran through the plains, people of the Border Tribe returned home to be with their families and birds flew across the darkening sky. 

Alexei waited a moment before sitting beside her. He copied Ana, dangling his legs off the side of the ledge. 

"This is incredible." Ana said into the view after a few minutes. 

Alexei stared at the site, "It really is."

He turned to look at his child, the peace visibly washing over her. The man took a deep sigh and looked down. He was about to apologise but found himself lost for words. Ana heard his thoughts instead.

She looked at him, "It's okay. I forgive you."

"How did you know?" Alexei spoke, confused.

Ana shrugged, "I guess it's part of my new powers. Your thoughts are really loud."

"Can you control it?" he asked gently.

The girl nodded, "I just do the same as I do with all my other powers and the voices go away."

Alexei nodded and turned his attention back to the sunset. It had almost all disappeared into the ground now. When the top had gone from view and the land became dark, Ana rose to her feet. She bent down to pick up a small paper bag. 

The Russian got up as well, "What is that?"

Ana looked at her bag and back at the man. She considered telling him for a second before opening it. The girl put her hand inside and pulled out an item.

"Akara. It's a bean cake. T'Challa said that I should try some. They're actually really good. Here." She handed the man one.

Alexei took a bite and the pair began to walk back to the palace. He made an impressed sound and took a larger bite. When he had finished scoffing it, the man brushed the crumbs off his hands onto his clothes. Ana looked at him judgmentally. 

"Really?" she said.

Alexei looked at her confused, "What?"

"You eat like a pig." the girl scoffed. 

He laughed, "You sound like your mother."

They walked to the palace talking about Natasha, occasionally stopping for Alexei to brag about being the Red Guardian. As they neared, they passed a group of Dora Milaje. Ana overheard one of them.

"We have an unexpected landing in Bay 2." one of them spoke.

This caused Ana to stop in her tracks. Stark.

The girl bolted in the other direction, following the soldiers. However, Alexei continued to walk straight; still talking about himself. When Ana didn't answer one of his questions, he finally noticed she wasn't beside him.

Ana had turned on her invisibility and was stealthily tracking the guards to the landing pad. Once they reached the open air, Ana stood against the wall observing. T'Challa was stood there with Steve, Natasha and Bucky. The aircraft door opened and out stepped Tony, Peter and Bruce.

Rage flowed though Ana's veins at the sight of the coward. He flaunted around the place but was met by confused expressions from the team. 

Suddenly, everyone around fell to the ground; a blinding pain rushing through their skulls. Except for Tony. Ana flicked off her invisibility and smiled at Tony. 

Caught off guard, the man stuttered, "A-Ana? You're awake."

"No thanks to you." she scoffed.

Tony was frozen. Disbelief covered his face. Ana walked up to him and stood in front of him. She tilted her head and examined him.

"You don't look good, Stark. Let me guess, not sleeping all to well. That's what guilt does to you." the girl chuckled. 

She pulled to man to his knees, so he would have to look up at her. A bead of sweat gathered at his brow and he turned pale.

Ana knelt down to his level, "Tell me, Tony. Are you scared?"

"Look, Ana. I'm really sorry-" he spluttered.

The girl shook her head, "Don't bullshit me, Stark."

He quietened down. Ana nodded, "That's better."

Ana pulled a 4-inch blade from her pocket; Tony's eyes wandered down to it. She smiled. With the knife, she tapped on his arc-reactor. 

"Shame I can't stick this in you're heart." Ana grinned.

The blade travelled lower, hovering over where his right lung would be. With her left hand, Ana grabbed Tony's face. 

"Stay still." the girl smiled.

Then with her right hand, she pushed the knife slowly into his chest. Stark inhaled sharply and his eyes widened from the pain. Ana pushed harder until the whole thing was nestled into him. 

"Please." Tony spluttered.

Ana paused for a moment.


She took the knife sharply out from between his ribs and stuck it back in his stomach. Proud of her work, Ana put her blade back in her pocket. She released the man's face. He wobbled slightly on his knees, which Ana found amusing. 

Then she hit him in the nose, causing him to fall back onto the concrete; smacking his head on the ground.

Ana stood up, "Whoops."

As she was about to walk over to commandeer Tony's aircraft, she was yanked into the air. Wanda, Clint, Shuri, Yelena, Melina and Alexei came outside. The witch released everyone from Ana's control. 

"Ugh." Ana moaned, annoyed. 

Bruce and Shuri rushed over to Tony to help him as the rest of the injured began to rise. Yelena gave Nat a hand up. Melina stood in front of her suspended daughter.

"What did you do, Ana?" Melina asked gently.

Ana rolled her eyes, "Well, I was about to let him die when you all came and ruined my fun."

"This is not the way to deal with him." Melina spoke.

Ana shook her head, "You don't get to decide that. It was me he traded like a pig, not you."

Melina lowered her head, "I know what he did to you, Ana. But I can't side with you on this one."

"I see. So when it's Natasha or Yelena, it's okay because they're not as messed up. But for me, it's different just because I was at the Red Room for longer." Ana laughed, hurt.

Melina looked up with a tear in her eye, "No, Ana. That's not what I mean."

"It's fine." Ana frowned.

T'Challa gestured at Wanda to put Ana to sleep. Wanda nodded and flicked her hands. The girl's head dropped and Wanda lowered her to the ground. One of the Dora Milaje put power dampening cuffs on her before carrying her to the cells.

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