'Help has arrived!'

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Ana woke up back in the cell she was in before. She got up and stretched her legs, before glancing over to the camera. The girl closed her eyes and located all the avengers. They were all in separate rooms on the same level, except for two people who were on a higher floor together; no one was watching her this time. She laid back down on the bed and decided to get some sleep, she had exerted all her energy, but she couldn't remember how. 

Natasha laid awake thinking about her sister. It would take 9 hours for her contact to get here so she could tell the team in the morning. She hated that the Red Room was still affecting her life even after it was destroyed. Natasha really did think her sister was dead all these years. A child that small wasn't expected to survive the flight from Ohio to Cuba let alone all this time; and she has powers. Natasha didn't know all of the girls powers, only that she could turn invisible and could heal quickly. She guessed that Tony would call for a meeting to discuss her powers with Ana sometime soon - when she wouldn't spontaneously attack them. Natasha closed her eyes and let sleep envelop her. 

She woke with a jolt and looked at the clock on her bedside table; it was 6:42am and there was no point going back to sleep now. The red-head rose from her bed and went to get ready. She changed into a white t-shirt and black jeans, since she only expected to be hanging around the compound today. She wandered down to the kitchen, where she saw Bucky at the island, eating a bowl of cornflakes and staring intensely at the wall. Natasha came up behind him and walked over to the fridge to get a drink, which broke him from his thoughts. 

"You're up early." she spoke into the fridge. 

"Couldn't sleep." he said blankly. 

Steve broke the silence from behind them, "You so cheated!"

"You're just jealous of my skill!" Sam's voice came from behind him.

Both men entered the kitchen, sweaty and out of breath.

Steve sat down next to Bucky and gestured to Sam, "But there is no way you could've beaten me, I'm a literal super soldier."

"It's not my fault you're getting slow." Sam laughed back and Steve threw a newspaper at him and walked off. 

"You took that short cut didn't you?" Bucky asked.

Sam grinned in response, "Worked like a charm."

F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed throughout the room, "Mr Stark has called for a meeting in conference room 6 in 20 minutes."

Sam rolled his eyes annoyed - Tony never gave them enough time to get ready - and ran to his room. Bucky finished his cereal and put the bowl in the sink. Natasha gulped her drink and tossed her glass in the sink too, making her way to the conference room. 

Nat waited as members of the team filtered in. Everyone was there on time except for Sam, who ran in 5 minutes later. 

"Late as ever Wilson." Tony said looking at his watch.

"Well, I had to have a shower after I beat Steve's ass so I didn't stink." He said and Steve rolled his eyes. 

Sam took his seat next to Wanda and Tony started.

"Okay gang, as all of you probably know by now, Ana went crazy last night and attacked Nat, Wanda, Steve and Bucky. Do we have any ideas what could have caused this?" 

Natasha spoke first, "Well, Ana was having a nightmare, which Wanda woke her up from by getting in her head."

"What was this dream about?" Tony asked, looking at Wanda.

"I only caught the last bit, but it was Ana - I'm guessing in a facility - slitting another person's throat and then stepping back to watch them bleed to death. Then a bunch of people were clapping around her and she laid face down of the floor with her hand's behind her back." Wanda stated.

Steve asked, "What did this person look like?"

"I don't know, they were wearing a black mask that covered their whole face. But they were small, a child I think, and they had the number 12 printed on their t-shirt." Wanda continued. 

"Okay then what happened, Natasha?" Tony asked her.

Natasha continued informing the man, "Well then she was shouting at Wanda for being in her head and I went to hug her. Then I saw this yellow flicker in her eyes and she started attacking us."

Tony turned around to turn of the television screen so they could watch the girl.

"So it was like she was under chemical subjugation again?" Bruce asked. 

"Yeah, it definitely wasn't her. It's like something was triggered in her mind, an instinct to kill." Natasha told them.  

Natasha looked at her sister asleep in the cell, "I called someone to help figure out what's going on with her."

The team looked at her questionably. "Don't worry, I trust them with my life."

"Alright, well if there's nothing else to discuss then I guess you're all free to go." Tony said.

Everyone left the room and Natasha decided to go down to the gym to train for a bit.

A few hours later, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice chimed, "Your guests have arrived Agent Romanoff."

Nat collected her things and made her way up to the landing pad on the roof, where she could see a jet about to land. When it did, she made her way over to the door. Out came Yelena who greeted her with a hug. 

"Help has arrived!" she laughed and gestured to the plane as Melina walked out. 

"And a tag along." Yelena rolled her eyes as Alexei stepped out as well. 

Natasha nodded at her parental figures, "Thanks for coming you guys."

"Sure thing, but what was so important? You sounded so serious on the phone." Melina asked. 

"You'll only believe if you see. Follow me." Nat responded and all four walked into the building, heading towards the cells. 

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